What Pod Vape Juice Should I Use? Simple: This Kind…

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If you’re new to using pod vapes and you’re wondering what kind of vape juice to use in your pod, look no further – in this guide we’ll show you exactly what type to use and where to get it from…

The vast majority of pod vapes are MTL devices. This basically means that when you take a draw on one it hits more like a cigarette, whereby the vapor is first taken into your mouth and then inhaled down to your lungs, hence the term MTL (mouth-to-lung).

Now, for this express reason, you 100% DO NOT want to be using standard, high VG vape juice. It isn’t designed for pod vapes or MTL tanks. Instead, you’ll want to use Nic Salts vape juice or higher PG blends – anything from 50/50 up is fine.

Best Vape Juice For Pod Vape Devices (Our #1 Picks)

So what vape juice, now you know what type of juice, should you be running in your pod vape? Back in late-2018, we launched our own vape juice store.

And the reason? To give our readers access to high-quality, premium, US-made vape juice at reasonable prices.

To date, there have been tens of thousands of sales, and the following Nic Salts vape juices are the most popular (by a considerable margin). You can check them all out in the table below:

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Are You Using An Open or Closed Pod System?

Just because you’re using a pod vape doesn’t mean you can refill it; some pod vapes like JUUL are non-refillable, meaning you have to buy new pods directly from JUUL to run on the device. You can “hack” these pods but, honestly, it’s a massive pain in the arse.

The easiest thing to do is just get yourself a decent, refillable pod vape. We recommend the UWELL Caliburn. It’s easy to use, portable, and it produces some of the best flavors of any pod vape on the planet right now – even though it is almost two years old.

Once you have a refillable pod system, you’ll want to stock up on spare pods (the Caliburn’s are relatively inexpensive and last for weeks at a time), get yourself some Nic Salts vape juice (you can do that here), and you’re sorted for a good few months.

You don’t need to worry about charging chunky 18650 batteries, changing coils, wicking tanks, or reading/checking your ohms are correct. You’re vaping without a care in the world. And this is why pod vapes are so popular – they’re just so simple.

Benefits of Nic Salts Vape Juice

Why use Nic Salts vape juice over higher-PG vape juice? This is a good question. The simplest and most obvious benefit of using Nic Salts vape juice is that it is stronger which means you get a bigger hit from each drag.

This is why Nic Salt devices like the JUUL are so popular; they deliver a more cigarette-like hit and that is exactly what those looking to quit want.

However, even though Nic Salts vape juice stronger than traditional freebase vape juice, it is still very smooth (even up 35MG and 50MG) on account of how it is created. Normal vape juice tastes like ASS the moment you start getting up to around 12MG of nicotine – it tastes harsh and burns your throat.

For this reason, nic salts vape juice is preferable for those that have just quit smoking and need a pretty significant nicotine hit to keep them from returning to cigarettes. As you progress with your vape, you can lower the strength, moving from 35MG down to 20MG and, finally, down to around 10MG.

Once you get to 10MG, you can then start weening yourself of nicotine entirely and you’re one step closer to being addiction free.

What Nic Salts Juice I Use In My Pods

I use pod vapes and MTL tanks more or less exclusively, so I am ALWAYS using nic salts vape juice. Right now, my go-to flavors are Top Brass, Bueno Vista, and Watermelon Berry Sour.

Top Brass and Bueno Vista are sweet, tobacco-infused blends that are super creamy and sweet, perfect for anyone that likes their vapes deep and packed full of flavor. Watermelon Berry Sour is what I use when I want something fruity and tangy.

This is pretty much all I vape these days. I love all the flavors listed above and pretty much use them exclusively. If you’d like to check them out for yourself, you can do some inside the VapeBeat Store.

Need Help? No Problem.

We’ve helped millions of people get started with vaping. If you have any questions or just want plenty of actionable advice, hit the button below – it’s a direct line to Drake.

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