JUUL doesn’t do coupon codes per se, so if you’re looking for JUUL deals you’re kind of out of luck, right?
WRONG! There are a couple of ways to get awesome JUUL deals – and the first the official route:
You opt into JUUL’s auto-shipping program.
This will save you 15% on all orders.
But you HAVE to get them delivered every month.
Which is still kinda expensive.
And this sucks, especially if you’re after a cheaper way to get aboard the JUUL train.
The better way? Simple: you go via VapeDeals, as it’s WAY cheaper than buying directly from JUUL.
Enter VapeDeals…
I don’t really know how VapeDeals is doing this but it is offering JUUL starter kits and JUUL Pods for less than JUUL.
You can save around 30-40% on average, making for some pretty hefty savings.

Right now, these are the most comprehensive JUUL deals I have seen to date.
No one else has managed to take on JUUL with respect to price, but VapeDeals has done just this with its insane JUUL deals which you can see below…
JUUL Deals
JUUL is a simple device. There aren’t too many moving parts or accessories.
For this reason, it’s simple to view in the context of this post. If you’re want to make some savings right now on JUUL gear this is what is on offer right now:
🔥JUUL Starter Kit (Basic) | Normally $44.95; Now $26.95 (26% Saving)
🔥JUUL Starter Kit (Premium) | Was $49.99; Now $35.95 (28% Saving)
🔥JUUL Pods (4 Pack) | Was $24.95; Now $12.95 (Saving 48%)
These are pretty impressive savings; I mean, it undercuts JUUL’s official pricing by a HUGE margin. Especially for JUUL Pods.
This is why I think it is the best JUUL deals package on the planet right now.
JUUL is Ideal For Those Brand New To Vaping
Is JUUL for you? This will largely depend on where you’re at in your vaping journey.
If you’re still smoking and want to get off the smokes ASAP, JUUL is a great place to start.
If you’re already vaping, and have been for a while, I’d advice against it. Why’s that? Simple: it’s not great for long-term usage.
The battery life isn’t good enough and it can get really expensive to run.

I much prefer these pod mod-style vapes for longer-term vaping.
These are the devices the VapeBeat team uses and loves.
They’re all vastly superior to the JUUL for flavor and performance and, as an added benefit, they’re all 100% refillable, meaning you can use your own E Juice in them.
JUUL has a place in vaping, just not for anyone that is going to be doing it long term.
For long-term use, JUUL gets too frustrating to use (and expensive). A refillable pod system, for this reason, always makes more sense.
You can buy your own E Juice and refill the vape, saving you untold amounts of money in the short, medium, and long term.
So Why The Hell Am I Recommending JUUL Then!?
Simple: it is super-simple to use, and with the above deal, you can get set up quickly and in an affordable manner.
The #1 issue new vapers face, and why they fail, is that they don’t understand how a vape device works. It takes time to understand everything, but a device like JUUL is the EXACT opposite.
It is so simple to set up and operate – it takes seconds. Literally.
This will ensure you stop smoking and stay off cigarettes while you find your feet and decide on the type of vape you want to use long term.
JUUL, then, is like the jumping off point. The place to can easily start your vaping journey away from cigarettes. Once you’ve got a couple of weeks into vaping under your belt, then it is time to start looking at more robust devices.
And when this time comes, VapeBeat is here to advise.
We have guides on ALL the top-rated devices, which you can check out below:
🔥The Best Vape Mods For 2018 (Box Mod-Style Vapes & Kits)
🔥2018’s Great Vape Tanks (Sub Ohm Tanks)
🔥The Best MTL Vape Tanks Guide (If You Want A Cigarette-Style Draw)
🔥The Best RDA Tanks (Rebuildable Atomizers & Squonkers)
🔥The Best RTAs (Rebuildable Tank Atomizers)
🔥2018’s Greatest Pod Vape Systems (Devices Like JUUL)
These are our A-Lists for each product type. In them, you will find all the top-rated vape products that we have tested over the past 12 months.
We get through A LOT of gear, but only the most exceptional mods and tanks make it onto our A-Lists.
So, if you’re interested in keeping track of what’s hot in the vape market be sure to bookmark those pages for future reference – we update them regularly too.
This way you’ll always know what the best products are in each category of vape products.
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