If you’ve kicked the stinkies (cigarettes) and you’re looking to get into vaping as a way of living healthier, well done! But there are some things you need to know before you buy your first vape tank – and we’ll cover it all below!
The first is simple: not ALL vape tanks are created equally.
Why’s that?
Just as is the case with cars, phones, computers, and pretty much everything else you can think of, there are GOOD and BAD products.
And this doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with the price, either.
Rather, it is to do with how a company handles its design and quality control processes.
And trust me, in the vaping space this factor varies greatly!
Buying Your First Vape Tank

When you’re talking about vape tanks, you’re basically talking about coils – these are the things that make vaping possible.
Vape tank coils are composed of wire wrapped around cotton.
You install them into the tank, prime them up, and then you can start vaping.
But here’s the catch:
Not ALL vape coils are created equally – some are very good, while others are very bad (and you 100% want to avoid the latter).
[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””] Example: SMOK is one of the most well known and popular vape tank and mod makers on the planet. But… its coil heads suck. They burn out way too quickly and this is no good. This is why I seldom recommend SMOK products. [/perfectpullquote]
Any tank worth your time has to have great coil heads. Average doesn’t cut the mustard, so make sure you get one with exceptional coil heads.
OK, So What Vape Tanks Have Good Coils?
My personal favorite vape tanks right now, as always, are ordered inside our Guide To The Best Vape Tanks.

All of the tanks on this list have been extensively tested by myself and the VapeBeat team, and they all hit the following criteria:
🔥Great Flavor Performance
🔥Exceptional Coil Heads
🔥Long-Lasting Coil Heads (Over 1 Week Per Coil)
🔥Value For Money
🔥Ease of Use
How Long Should A Vape Coil Last (On Average)?
Again, this is hard to say – they’re all different. You also have mesh coils to think about as well.
Mesh coils are slightly different to wire coils; on mesh coils, the wire is laid out in a mesh and this makes for more efficient heat distribution.
Mesh coils tend to last longer than standard, wire coils – and most of the tanks inside our Best Vape Tanks Guide use mesh coils.
I will only use a vape tank that has superior mesh coils. If it doesn’t, I don’t use it and I certainly do not recommend it to readers of VapeBeat.
Right now, my go-to vape tanks for overall performance and coil head longevity are as follows:
🔥UWELL Valyrian
🔥Falcon Tank
Though I am having a blast testing the ARTERY Hive tank – I’m two weeks in and still on my first coil (and the flavor is still precise and full-bodied).
Coils Are The #1 Most Important Thing To Consider When Buying Your First Vape Tank
They’re so important because a bad coil head will burn out too quickly and this will affect your vaping. Big time!
Burnt hits are disgusting (and kinda bad for you), so to avoid them you need to go with a great tank.
And great tanks ALWAYS have great coils.
Get the right vape tank and you’ll be vaping happily for weeks at a time before a new coil is required.
This will save you A LOT of money in the short and long term as well; vape coils are pricey, so you don’t want to be going through a pack a week!
This is the MAIN difference between a good vape tank and an exceptional vape tank.
Coils! Coils, Coils, COILS!
Remember this: coils make or break a tank, so ALWAYS go with one that has been tested and rated.
Never just take someone’s word for it or go with something you think looks cool. It never works – use our Best Vape Tanks Guide instead.
[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]We’ve tested hundreds of vape tanks, so we know exactly what to look for when accessing and analyzing a tank’s performance.[/perfectpullquote]
If you choose correctly you’ll encounter zero issues with your vape tank, so long as you understand how to prime mesh coils correctly.
And that’s literally it. You’re all good to go!
I put this little guide together because the #1 complaint I get from new vapers is about coils burning out too quickly.
Based on this, I can only assume that a lot of people are using tanks with terrible coil systems.
PRO-TIPS (How To Use A Vape Tank Properly)
Also, when you use a coil, you never want to run it super-high; just get it inside the performance envelope and keep it there.
[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””] EXAMPLE: if your coil is rated for 80-120W, keep it below 80W. This ensures that you aren’t placing too much demand on it and this, in turn, will make it last longer. You’ll still get plenty of vapor and clouds, but the coil will last longer. It’ll also conserve your E Juice and save you some battery life too. [/perfectpullquote]
Ready to get your first vape tank? Check out our Guide To The Best Vape Tanks.
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