Ultimate Guide To The #1 Best Squonk RDA Tanks (2020 Edition)

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For those looking for the best performing squonk RDA tanks, look no further – these are the best squonk RDA tanks we’ve tested and used during the past 12 months…

Top-Rated Squonk RDA Tanks

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Why Squonking Is Good

What’s The Best Squonk RDA For You?

This is a tricky thing to tackle because it depends on a couple of things.

  • First, do you want a dual or single-coil RDA?
  • Second, does your squonk mod run one or two 18650 batteries?

I like to run both styles of squonk RDAs. I like to have the choice, as dual coil RDAs are great for power and flavor.

A single coil RDA is still great, but they are much kinder to battery life as they require less power to run.

And the most important factor in this context is your squonk mod. Is it cut out for your style of vaping?

Squonk RDA Tanks + Squonk Mods (What You Need To Know)

You need a decent squonk mod to ensure you have a good time squonking.

And, please, be careful about which one you go for because it can have a MASSIVE effect on your vaping experience.

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Read My Wotofo Profile RDA Review

Why’s that? Simple: battery life – a single battery squonk mod will not have enough power to run a dual-coil RDA all day.

It WILL run it, but battery life will SUCK.

Dual 18650 Regulated Squonk Mods Are Best

For this reason, and for peace of mind, I always recommend dual-18650 vape mods to our readers.

This way, you can run dual and single coil RDAs and never have to worry about battery life.

It just makes life easier. I hate having to change batteries after a couple of hours of vaping. This is why I use dual-18650 regulated squonk mods.

Our current top picks for dual-18650 squonk mods are detailed in full in the table below:

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Why Dual-18650 Squonk Mods Are Best

  • Battery Life – It’s Double, Basically
  • You Can Run Dual-Coil RDAs Properly
  • You Can Vape At Higher Wattages For Longer
  • There Are Now Regulated Options Too

OK – So What Are The Best Squonk RDA Options?

As with most things in the world of vape, you have A LOT of choices!

Every man and his dog is making squonk RDA tanks these days – there are hundreds of options out there!

But I do have a few personal favorites which are detailed below:

Best Dual-Coil Squonk RDA

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Drop Dead RDA (Left) & BTFC RDA (Right)
  1. BTFC RDA ($29.99/VaporDNA) Stunning Flavor, Great Airflow (From The Top And Bottom, Hence The Name)
  2. Drop Dead RDA ($29.99/VaporDNA) One of My All-Time Favorite Dual-Coil RDAs. Looks Rad, Squonks Like A Champ, And Vapes Excellently

Best Singe Coil RDA (Or Mesh, In This Instance)

If you want to know what I’m using right now, it’s the Wotofo PROFILE RDA ($29.99) – this is a single coil, mesh RDA. And it is superb.

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Wotofo PROFILE RDA + RAGE Squonk Mod


You can run standard wire coils or mesh inside the PROFILE RDA.

The flavor and performance are incredible in both modes. Setup is simple and the mesh coils vape like CRAZY.

I don’t think there is a better single coil RDA around right now. Wotofo hit it out the park with the PROFILE RDA.

This RDA has been my daily driver ever since I first tested it a few months back. It really is that good.

Dual Coil RDA vs Single Coil RDA – What’s The Difference?

Mostly, it’s down to power.

With a dual-coil RDA, you’re able to vape at higher wattages and get more clouds.

You can install bigger builds, crank down the Ohms, and really push the envelope with respect to performance.

For this reason, dual coil RDAs are always preferable if you’re after power – nothing else comes close.

With a single coil RDA, you still get ALL the flavor but you can run the tank at lower wattages which means it is kinder to your mod’s battery.

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The Topside Dual – AKA The Best Dual-18650 Squonk Mod Right Now


The reason single coil RDAs are so abundant right now is that 99.9% of squonk mods up until very recently were single 18650 mods.

You basically HAD to run single coil RDAs on them, otherwise, your battery would crap out after a few hours of heavy vaping.

Thanks to the advent of dual-18650 squonk mods like the USV MachON3 and the RAGE Squonker, you no longer have to worry about this.

You can vape MEGA builds at high wattages and your battery life will last all day long.

This is why I ALWAYS recommend that our readers get dual-18650, regulated squonk mods – they’re just way more versatile.

Where To From Here?

The idea of this post was to give you a better understanding of how squonk RDAs and squonk mods work. Not just point out the best options.

That doesn’t offer any value to you as a reader.

Plus, tastes are subjective. Especially when you’re talking about RDAs.

The key takeaway here is this: get yourself the right squonk mod. Once you’ve done this, then set about finding the best squonk RDA.

My opinions are highlighted throughout this article. And as of right now, my picks for the best squonk mod and squonk RDA are as follows:

  1. Best Squonk Mod: Topside Dual Dual-18650 Squonk Mod
  2. Best Squonk RDA: Drop DEAD RDA (Dual-Coil)

Or, if you’d like to see all the best RDA options in the table from the top of this post again, simply click here!

And to see the top squonk mods table again, click here!

Need Help? No Problem.

We’ve helped millions of people get started with vaping. If you have any questions or just want plenty of actionable advice, hit the button below – it’s a direct line to Drake.

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