
Innokin Proton Kit Review: One of The Best Vape Starter Kits

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The Innokin Proton is a very, very capable mod and vape tank combo, serving up excellent performance and great looks. I REALLY like this one…

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Everyone is offering a mesh coil lately, and Innokin’s newest offering is the Innokin Proton kit which includes the Scion 2 tank and a mesh coil.

I’ve always like Innokin for quality, even though they haven’t always been known for powerful direct lung devices.

The SCION 2 is here to set that record straight, however.

It is a very decent vape tank, and its mesh coils are VERY impressive.

I’ve been using this setup for a good couple of weeks now, and I have to say, I’m totally impressed with this device.

Is this the vape starter kit you’ve been waiting for?

Read on and find out!

Innokin Proton Kit Review – What You Get In The Box

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It comes in a nice presentation box complete with mod, tank, straight glass, bubble glass, Tri coil, mesh coil, extra seals, charge cord, and two styles of drip tip (straight-sided and slanted).

The mod comes with a plastic cling on the screen that contains basic instructions on how to operate the mod.

I’m familiar with Innokin products, so I didn’t anticipate having any issues with operating the menu, but I have to say, I was a little stumped at first.

Setting Up Innokin Proton Kit

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The Awesome OLED Display

Luckily Innokin includes a card with a QR code that takes you to a short video that walks you through the functions.

Once I realized the menu button moves up, down, lefts, and right like a joystick, navigating the menu was a breeze.

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Love The Size & Weight of The Proton Mod

The first thing I noticed with the proton is how slim it feels in the hand for a dual battery mod.

The display is nice and clean, and one of the functions allows you to change the color of your display.

The battery door is your typical slide/hinge style and feels fairly sturdy.

Innokin Proton Kit Performance (Coils & Flavor)

At first, I tried the tri-coil, running about 100 watts, and it was a nice vape with pretty good flavor.

Once I’d vaped a tank full, I decided to swap the glass out for the bubble tank, and I switched to the mesh coil.

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The BEEFY Scoin 2 Tank

In my experience, 80 watts seems to be the sweet spot for me with every mesh coil I have tried, and this one was no different.

I did notice that the mesh on the Scion coil was beefier and reminded me of the coil in the Flux kit.

I haven’t used the coil long enough to verify, but the sturdier mesh makes me think that the coil will last longer, and Innokin even says on the box that the coils last ‘5x longer’.

Innokin Plexus Coils – Why They’re Good

You can go to innokin.com/plexus for a more detailed explanation, but basically, the mesh coil lasts longer than a traditional wire coil because the mesh cools down more quickly which reduces damage to your cotton wick.

I know the flavor on the mesh coil was spot on. I vaped a juice I am very familiar with, and the flavor came through very well.

The flavor from the traditional coil was good, but the mesh definitely has the edge.

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Battery Door

I also liked the clicky slide-fill. It makes filling the tank easy, but I don’t worry about the tank accidentally sliding open.

I also liked that Innokin kept the name and model very subtle (unlike, say, the VooPoo Drag). I am using the black with rainbow trim, and unlike a lot of rainbow mods I have used, the trim is not a fingerprint magnet.

The back of the mod has a nice textured diamond pattern that keeps the mod from being too slippery.

Things To Keep In Mind?

My only complaint aesthetically is that after only a few days of use, my screen already has scuffs on it.

Other than that, I have no complaints about the look and feel of this mod.

I also like that Innokin has gone out of their way to make this mod user-friendly.

From the overall design to the QR codes that take you to a video, they have really tried to make this mod idiot-proof.

Even features like power curve that I don’t normally use, I find myself using with this mod because it has 4 preset curves.

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Easy To Use Curve Mode Setup

I found it easier to try out each one and pick the one I liked best rather than to try to program a curve in myself.

For some people, this lack of control might be a drawback, but for me, it was actually a plus.

Like the Vaporesso Armour, the menus and UX are beautifully implemented

I also really love the joystick-style menu button.

As I mentioned earlier, it makes navigating the menu super-easy, and it’s also used to move your wattage up and down.

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The Awesome Proton Kit (In Black)

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Speaking of changing wattage, one thing Innokin has always done that I like is that your wattage jumps in increments of .5 rather than .1 like a lot of mods.

I mean, do you really notice the difference between 80.5 and 80.6?

It makes it quicker and easier to get to the wattage you want.

I also noticed an ‘update firmware’ in the menu system, so I presume there will be firmware updates in the future.

Innokin Proton Kit Verdict

All told, this is a really great, solid vape kit.

The mod is superb and so too is the tank. And when you’re talking about vape kits, that’s basically ALL you’re looking for!

This is why we included it inside our Best Vape Mod Guide – it really does kick ass.

This one comes highly recommended!

Even more so when you factor in the price – the Proton kit retails for just $63.95 (FREE SHIPPING) 

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