If you’re in the market for cheap vape tanks you’re kinda spoilt for choice – there are plenty. But these ONES are my favorite right now
OK, let’s get this out of the way early: not ALL vape tanks are created equally.
Some are decent enough, some are amazing, and the vast majority are, well… not very good at all.
I’ve personally tested about a hundred or so vape tanks in the last 12 months, and out of this lofty figure, I have just a few that I actually rate and would buy myself.
My #1 Picks For Best Cheap Vape Tanks (That Don’t SUCK)
Cheap is a subjective term. If you’re a millionaire, cheap won’t be the same as it is for a dude that’s struggling to pay the bills.
In this context, cheap is defined as under $35.
And these my top picks for the best cheap vape tanks around right now.
They’re also all fairly large vape tanks too (this is because they’re designed for performance).
1) UWELL Valyrian (Best Price: $35.99)
The UWELL Valyrian, for me at least, is the benchmark by which ALL other sub ohm tanks are rated in 2018.
It is pretty much flawless – for flavor, for performance, for everything!
IMHO, it is the best vape tank around right now. Period.
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I regularly use mine, when I’m not using an RDA, and have done since I first picked it up (over nine months ago).
This should pretty much tell you everything you need to know about the UWELL Valyrian!
2) HorizonTech Falcon (Best Price: $29.96)
The Falcon is a flavor MONSTER.
Designed to give RDA-grade flavor in sub ohm tank form, the Falcon is easily one of the best vape tanks in the business right now.
[letsreviewaffiliate url=”http://shrsl.com/10ni8″ text=”BUY NOW | $29.96 (Best Deal)” size=”big” rel=”nofollow” target=”newwindow” accent=”#81d742″ border=”on”]
It looks the business too.
But its beauty is just the tip of the iceberg; this thing is a brilliant tank that delivers mind-bending flavor and has some of the best coil heads in the business right now.
3) FireLuke MESH (Best Price: $27.09)
The FireLuke MESH is probably the best-looking sub ohm tank on the market right now.
Nothing else comes even remotely close in my opinion.
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It is also a super-solid performer that kicks out some SERIOUS clouds and flavor.
Most of this is down to its MESH coils, which are designed to wick faster and provide better flavor. Two things they do very well.
It is also the cheapest option on this list. But do not be put off by its price, the FireLuke MESH is a titan in the vape tank space.
Why I Picked These Three Sub Ohm Tanks
Simple: they all work brilliantly.
And that goes for their coil heads too.
I know all too well the pain associated with buying a vape tank, only to find out that its super-expensive coils suck.
I’ve been burnt WAY too many times this way, and I don’t want you making the same mistake.
This is also why there are NO SMOK tanks on this list.
SMOK’s coils suck (and cost WAY too much).
Whichever one you decide to go with, I’m 100% confident you’ll be happy with the way the tank performs.
If you want me to offer advice on which I’d go for, again, pretty simple: I’d get the UWELL Valyrian.
It is my go-to sub ohm tank, and it likely will be for a very long time.
I added the other two for a couple of reasons: 1) I really like both of them, and 2) it’s nice to have options (good options, that is).
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