If you’ve never experienced a decent RY4 E Liquid, you’re missing out – they’re supremely tasty! Below is a selection of my current faves…
#1) Freeman E Juice TrailBlazer
Freeman E Juice is fast becoming one of my favorite, go-to juice brands. Not only does Freeman retail its juices for WELL under market value – 120ml for $19.99 – but it also makes one of the best RY4’s on the planet.
TrailBlazer is a phenomenal mix of butterscotch, peanut butter, and tobacco and it tastes utterly superb. I honestly think it is one of the nicest tasting E Juices I have ever sampled.
The reason it’s so low down on this list is not that it is inferior, but because I came across it last. If you’re after a spectacularly sweet but heady E Juice that delivers a smooth, all-day vape then TrailBlazer is definitely worth a look.
The #1 Best RY4 Nic Salt E Juice
If you’re using pod mods or MTL tanks, chances are you’re already well aware of Nic Salts E Juice. It’s stronger than normal E Juice, starting at around 10MG and going all the way up to 45MG nicotine, but unlike normal E Juice, when the nicotine gets higher it doesn’t taste harsh.
Nic Salts E Juice is designed for devices that produce less vapor; MTL tanks and pod mods basically – not sub ohm tanks or rebuildable tanks. And right now, my go-to RY4 Nic Salt brand is Top Brass – it’s freakin’ gorgeous, which is why we HAD to add it to our E Juice Store.
#2) The #1 RY4 Nic Salts – Top Brass
I love a good riff on a traditional RY4 E Juice, and that’s just what Top Brass is ALL about – it’s a heady, delicate mix of sweet tobacco and peanut butter. The combination is divine, especially in a pod mod like the UWELL Caliburn which delivers immense flavor.
Available in 35mg, Top Brass is now one of my constant go-to E Juices. This is why, when curating the VapeBeat E Juice Store, we had to include it – for flavor and palatability, nothing else comes even remotely close!
Bottomline: if you’re a fan of premium tobacco and RY4 flavors, Top Brass is just about the best option in the business right now. For the price and flavor, it is more or less unbeatable.
Freeman Vape Juice Pros
- Pre-Steeped
- 100% USA Made
- Best RY4 In The Business
- The Tastiest Tobacco Nic Salts On The Planet
- Excellent Value For Money
#3) Glas Vapor Butterscotch Reserve
This stuff tastes like heaven.
I would actually go as far as saying it is one of the best E Liquids I have ever vaped – and I have vaped A LOT of E-Liquid over the years.
The flavor profile is brilliant, the tobacco element is very mild, just notes.
The mix of caramel, vanilla, and butterscotch is utterly superb.
Imagine the best dessert you’ve ever tasted combined with the aroma of a high-end tobacconist and you’re about halfway there to how good Glas Vapor’s Butterscotch Reserve is.
#4) Humble Juice Co.’s Caramel Tobacco E Liquid
Like Glas Vapor’s, Humble’s Caramel Tobacco E-Liquid is incredibly moreish.
The blend is perfectly balanced and truly unique; I’ve never had an E Juice quite like this one.
Caramel Tobacco E-Liquid is incredibly smooth, however, especially in 3MG, so if you want more a throat hit, you might want to go with a 6MG blend.
For me personally, I’m all about the smoothness.
I vape pretty much exclusively with RDAs, so I’m all about the flavor and the smoothness and this stuff is smoother than Kenny Loggins covered in Olive Oil.
Next to Glas Vapor’s Butterscotch Reserve, I’d this is my favorite blend.
I love the smoothness of it, the flavor profile, and I like the tobacco they use – it tastes like an expensive cigar, just lingering in the background.
#5) C&C Apothecary Signature Salted Caramel Tobacco
Sweet, smooth, and perfect for drippers, RTAs, and high-power sub ohm tanks. This E Juice is a wonderful blend of tobacco and sweet caramel in a 70/30 VG/PG ratio, which makes it super smooth on the inhale and very tasty as well.
C&C Apothecary Signature Salted Caramel Tobacco is definitely up there with the best of them. Next to Humble and Glas Vapor’s entry, this is one of the best in the business.
The quality of the vapor and the flavor is pristine. I bought a bottle of C&C Apothecary Signature Salted Caramel Tobacco randomly while in Florida and it really didn’t disappoint. By the end of my third day there, it was all gone.
Epic, epic stuff indeed!
How I Got Into RY4 E Juice (Spoiler: It Was By Mistake)
If you’ve been vaping for any amount of time, chances are you don’t vape tobacco-flavored E-Liquid.
Like most, you probably prefer sweeter E Liquids or fruit, candy, or dessert-based ones.
I know, it makes sense: they’re tastier, right?
I used to think they were, but then I got into RY4 E Liquid in kind of a big way late last year, after I purchased a Kayfun Prime.
Initially, I was put off because, as the name suggests, this is a tobacco-blend E Liquid.
But I was so wrong about RY4 E Liquid. And I’ve been kicking myself ever since.
If you’ve never heard of RY4 before, let’s do a quick overview of what it is.
If you know what it is, skip down to my recommendations for Ry4 E Liquid in 2018.
What Is RY4 E Liquid? A Quick History…
The history of RY4 E Liquid is actually pretty interesting.
But more on that in a moment. For now, let’s define what a RY4 E Liquid actually is.
RY4 E Liquid is essentially an umbrella term for a flavor profile.
However, ALL RY4 E Liquid must include the following to be considered a RY4 E Liquid: A tobacco base (it’s usually very mild), caramel, and vanilla.
Now, as with most things in the vape space, brands tinker with the elements, try new things, add new flavours, so you can have a stronger tobacco base, for instance, or more emphasis on the sweeter side of things.
It depends on who’s creating to E Liquid to be honest – and there are plenty of brands to choose from.
However, the actual RY4 E Liquid flavor itself was created by two dudes in a lab.
If you’re a purist a true RY4 is just tobacco, caramel, and vanilla – nothing else.
The actual flavor itself was the creation of two Chinese chaps. Here’s the overview from E-cig Forum on how it all went down:
“The very first RY liquid was created in a single afternoon by two men: Ludo, one of the owners of Janty, and a Chinese flavor chemist, presumably working for Dekang. They started in the lab of a Dekang factory in China with some basic flavors they both agreed on and made various “test juices,” tweaking the recipe along the way. After about four hours, they came up with the one they liked best, and they christened it Ruyan 4—” the name was abbreviated to RY4.”
Since then, RY4 E Liquid has been copied and replicated and copied some more.
A myriad of brands now carry a RY4 range of E Liquid and, while I haven’t tried all of them, that’d be impossible, I have tried enough to have a few go-to favourites, which you should definitely check out if you’re interested in RY4 E Liquid.
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