How To Prime Mesh Coils PROPERLY: A Quick Guide For MAXIMUM Flavor

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First time using mesh coils? Unsure how to proceed? Fear not – check out VapeBeat’s guide on how to prime mesh coils

6 Quick Steps To Prime Your Mesh Coils Perfectly

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You Want To Aim Your Juice All Over The Cotton
  1. Take your new coil out of its pack.
  2. Grab your juice bottle.
  3. Slowly drip E Juice through the mesh (at the top) and onto the cotton.
  4. Do a few drops, then wait.
  5. Check the wicking holes on the side, they should be saturated with juice.
  6. If they’re not, keep dripping E Juice until they are.

Once your coil is properly primed, seal the tank up and fill her up with E Juice. You can vape it right away, but I like to leave it for 5-10 minutes to let the cotton soak up, even more, E Juice. This ensures you never get dry hits.

You’ll also want to make sure you use the best quality vape juice possible; this will conserve your coils, making them last longer and save you a bunch of money in the process. Cheap vape juice, or vape juice with tons of additives, is the #1 reason why coils die out too early.

Once you have correctly primed your mesh coils, the cotton will be totally saturated and stop and potential dry hits. Dry hits tend to happen most when a coil is new (or when it’s completely burnt out after a week or two of use), so it is important to really focus on getting as much juice onto the coil before installing it in your tank.

I use a tissue to do this. I’ll hold the coil in my hand, surrounded by tissue, and then plonk vape juice onto the cotton. I do this until the cotton inside the coil is completely soaked. Once I’m happy the coil’s cotton is nice and saturated with vape juice, I’ll install it in the tank and then fill the tank up.

In order to make sure everything works perfectly from the first draw, I’ll let the tank sit with vape juice in it for 10-15 minutes – this takes care of any dry spots on the coil you might have missed. Once the 15 minutes are up, start vaping at a low wattage, then gradually build up until you hit your sweet spot.

If you follow this procedure for priming your coils every time you shouldn’t ever encounter a dry hit when using new coils. Unless you have dud coils, that is, and if that’s the case, no amount of priming can save you.

What Are Mesh Coil Vape Tanks? 

Mesh coils are taking the sub-ohm tank world by storm. And with good reason too!

They last longer, produce better flavor and tend to generate a much more satisfying, all-round vaping experience.

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The Falcon King Tank – Currently Ranked #1 Inside Our Best Vape Tank Guide

Plenty of sub-ohm tanks are now available with mesh coil heads, but some of the most popular are the Falcon King Tank and the FreeMax Pro Mesh.

Out of these two, Falcon King Tank if you’re in the market for a new vape tank.

I own both and the Flacon King is WAY better for flavor and overall performance.

Mesh Coil Pros

  1. More Flavor 
  2. Last Longer; Around 5X that of a standard, wire coil
  3. Easier To Saturate
  4. Cheaper To Run

Mesh coils are A LOT better than the standard wire-based coils you’re used to. For starters, mesh coils have way more surface area to them and this allows for better saturation and more even heating.

This to attributes combined makes the vape more flavorful and smooth. Most importantly, though, mesh coils last about FIVE TIMES longer than standard wire coils.

And that is where things get significant. Flavor’s one thing, but running a mesh coil will say your oodles of cash every month. Case in point: you’re looking at around 7-14 days of performance from a single coil.

Compared to wire coils, that is massively impressive.

How Mesh Coils Work


And the nature of mesh coils is that they use WAY more cotton than standard wire coils. This means the cotton is denser and can hold more vape juice, which results in more flavor and longer-lasting performance.

A mesh coil, on average, will usually last about 30-50% longer than a standard, wire coil. This is why they were invented. Longer lasting coils are great because no one likes having to change (and spend money) on new coil heads every week.

With a good mesh tank, you should be getting between 12-14 days of sublime performance from your mesh coil before it needs swapping out for a new one. Compared to standard wire coils, this is a HUGE uplift in performance and it is one of the #1 reasons why most new sub-ohm tanks use mesh coils.

You just need to ensure that the cotton inside the coil head is completely saturated before you take a hit. It takes a little time and a bit of E Juice, but once you learn how to do it properly, you’ll never have a dry hit again. You might want to use a tissue to do this as well, as it can get a little messy!

Best Wattage To Vape Mesh Coul Tank At?

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Your tank might say the coil is rated for 60w-120w. But you’ll want to ignore this.

Start your new coil off nice and low; anywhere from 40W to 50W is fine.

Then, as the coil primes and reaches its optimal performance, you can gradually up the wattages towards its advertised output.

I tend to stick around 60-70W as this level is kinder to your battery and E Juice, and it also doesn’t burn the coil out too quickly.

Bottom line: the higher the wattage, the faster you’ll get through the coil (and also your mod’s battery and your E Juice).

New Juice Recommendations

I get through plenty of vape juice each month, testing loads of different brands. If you’re interested in trying some new flavors, right now these are my current favorite vape juices: 

TRAILBLAZER – I used to hate tobacco-flavored vape juices. But then I tried Trailblazer which is a tobacco flavored juice that combines butterscotch and peanut butter. It’s rich, sumptuous, and very much an all-day vape and personal favorite of mine. I highly recommend this juice. 

1885 – I love a good milkshake, a classic American milkshake that’s made up of vanilla ice cream and milk. This just basically takes that classic American milkshake flavor and packs it into your vape tank. It tastes incredible and it comes highly recommended. 

Jungle King – If you like smooth, fruity vape juices, Jungle King is well worth a look with its amazing blend of strawberries and bananas. It tastes unlike anything I have ever vaped before (in a good way, don’t worry) and it quickly went on to become one of my all-time favorite juices. If you like exotic, sweet vape juices, be sure to check this juice out

Also: we have an exclusive 50% discount for our store – just use the code: BETTERYEAR at checkout to get 50% off your entire basket. And, no, there are no limits – you can buy as much or as little as you want (while stocks last). 

If you’re after one of the best sub-ohm tanks around right now for mesh coils, you should check out the tanks in the table below – they’re the #1 ranked mesh coil tanks in the world right now.

Or for a wider view of what’s available, check out our Guide To The Best Mesh Coil Tanks

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