New to vaping? Want to blow big clouds? Here’s a quick user guide on how to blow big clouds – and the best vape tanks you’ll need to do it!
Clouds. Or, in this context: “big clouds,” are actually pretty simple to pull off.
Vape tricks are where things get a little harder.
All you need to make some massive clouds is a decent RDA/RTA or a high-performance Sub Ohm tank.
Best Vape Tanks For Big Clouds Right Now?
My Top 3 Picks For Mid-2018 (Sub-Ohm, RDA & RTA)
Sub Ohm Tank: UWELL Valyrian ($37.95) – it’s hands-down the best sub ohm tank of the last 12 months.
RDA: Dead Rabbit RDA ($35.95) – inexpensive, great design, easy to live with, and a massive juice well.
RTA: Vandy Vape Kensei RTA ($40.95) – probably one of the best RTA tanks ever created. Bar none. A must have for anyone that’s interested in RTA tanks.
An RDA or RTA will always beat a standard sub ohm tank for cloud production (and flavor).
If you haven’t an RDA yet, you will be VERY surprised by just how much vapor they kick out.
RDA tanks have bigger coils and more direct airflow systems.
There are less moving parts and the hit is more direct.
How To Blow Big Clouds – Why An RDA Tank is Best
It’s basically just you, a chamber, and some coils and cotton.
The flavor is always more intense and the clouds are always enormous.
This is why seasoned and pro vapers alike use them.
This is what an RDA looks like:
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And this is a sub ohm tank:
[letsreviewaffiliate url=”″ text=”Best Deal | $37.95 | FREE SHIPPING” size=”big” rel=”nofollow” target=”newwindow” accent=”#dd3333″ border=”on”]
See the difference?
Yep, it’s pretty significant.
A sub ohm tank’s coils have everything contained inside a single unit, whereas an RDA is more exposed and customisable.
The airflow is different too; on an RDA it is a lot more direct.
The clouds, for this reason, are denser and thicker and have more flavor.
RDA Tanks & Wicking – Don’t Let It Put You Off!
DO NOT be put off by the idea of wicking and installing coils.
It couldn’t be easier.
Modern RDA tanks like the Dead Rabbit RDA and Bonza RDA (and the ones in the table below) are so simple to use, even a complete novice could setup them up in one sitting without instructions.
I would always use a rebuildable vape tank over a standard sub ohm vape tank.
Why? Simple: they’re better (overall flavor and performance) and they’re cheaper to run.
All you’ll need is some pre-made coils (like the ones below) and some Cotton Bacon.
Amazon productOnce you have these, you’re good to go for about six months.
And the cost of all these materials? About $20 – or, about the same as a couple of packs of coils for a SMOK tank that’ll last you maybe 2-3 weeks, if you’re lucky!
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The Case For Sub Ohm Vape Tanks
Sub ohm tanks are fine. But you HAVE to get the right one. Failure to do this will end up in frustration.
The most common complaint about sub ohm tanks is to do with their coils – they burn out too quickly.
This is the main reason I stopped using them; I just couldn’t be bothered paying $15 for a pack of coils that burnt out in a matter of days.
This is why I loved the UWELL Valyrian so much; its coils were consistent and reliable.
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And this, along with its design and overall performance, makes it easily the best sub ohm tank option around right now. Bar none!
So if you don’t fancy using a rebuildable tank, make sure you get yourself the UWELL Valyrian.
It is the best out there right now.
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