
GeekVape ALPHA Tank Review | One, BADASS Mesh Coil Tank!

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The GeekVape ALPHA Tank is freakin’ amazing. I just want to get that out there right off the bat.

I’ve tested what feels like about a million mesh coil tanks in 2018, some were good, some were average… but only a select few have been as good as the GeekVape ALPHA.

Not that anyone should be surprised by this.

GeekVape has been having something of a renaissance in 2018, pumping out brilliant mods, tanks, and RTAs left, right, and center.

The GeekVape ALPHA Tank is the latest offering from the company and, as you can probably already gather, it is very good.

But that’s not the full story.

In order to get a better idea of just how good this tank is we need to go into more detail.

And for that, as always, read on…

GeekVape ALPHA Tank Review

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Rocking The ALPHA On The Wotofo FLUX Mod


The ALPHA tank has all the hallmarks of a modern, mesh coil tank. Bubble glass? Check. Longish resin drip tip? Check. Bottom-mounted airflow? Check.

Design-wise, it’s actually nothing that special to look at.

I mean, it just looks like a modern, mesh coil tank – you couldn’t pick it out from the crowd even if you tried.

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But it does have one very cool USP (unique selling point). Access to the kidney refill ports is done via a button which flings open the top section of the tank. This is super handy and I really like it,

There are resin accents along the top and bottom of the tank, and the 810 drip tip is made from resin too, ensuring excellent heat retardation.

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The 810 Resin Drip Tip

From top to bottom, the ALPHA tank looks great. Nothing is out of place and the inclusion of the quick-release top cap via a button mechanism is a masterstroke.

GeekVape ALPHA Tank Specifications

  • Base diameter 25 mm
  • Maximum juice capacity 4 mL
  • Stainless steel & resin construction
  • High-grade glass
  • Geekvape Meshmellow coil system
  • Top-fill rotary design – lock button mechanism
  • Dual adjustable airflow control at the base
  • 810 18-mm wide resin drip tip
  • 510 connection

It runs two types of coil: the MM X1 single mesh 0.15-ohm coil (rated for 60-110 watts), and the MM X2 dual mesh coil 0.4-ohm coil (rated for 50-80 watts). Both are packed with premium Egyptian cotton.


As noted in the opening paragraph of this post, the ALPHA tank is very, very good. I’ve been using it for almost a month and it is easily one of the best mesh coil tanks I’ve used in 2018.

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The Button That Fires Open The Top Cap

The flavor is brilliant. Nice and precise – you can really taste your E Juice with this tank. I also really like the draw, it’s nice and smooth and the vapor you get from the coils is mega-dense.

If you’re after a mesh coil tank that delivers brilliant flavor and dense vapor, the ALPHA could be the one to go for.

With the exception of the Falcon Tank, I’d say it is probably one of the best around right now.

GeekVape MeshMellow Coil Performance

Again, very, very good. I had two units to test, so I outfitted each with one type of coil head.

The performance on both is exceptional. I’m almost a month into testing now and the flavor is still 100% on point on both tanks.

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The EPIC Coil Heads’ Specs

This is very good, even for a mesh coil tank. I normally expect a week or two from my mesh coils. But to go almost a month without any noticeable drop in flavor is frankly insane.

Whatever GeekVape is doing with its coils is working.

And if you work for SMOK and you’re reading this, you should 100% copy whatever GeekVape is doing because the performance and longevity of these coils is BONKERS!

The coils have ratings associated with them, but during my time with them, I have found that they can handle pretty much whatever you throw at them.

I’ve run them at 120W, 80W, and 75W and the tank performed brilliantly.

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Ready To RIP

The vape never gets too hot, nor does the flavor drop off at lower or higher extremes.

Honestly, I don’t think I’ve come across a more capable sub ohm tank coil than the one inside the GeekVape ALPHA Tank.

The only real negative about this tank is that it gets through E Juice very quickly at higher wattages. But then so too does pretty much every other high-performance vape tank on market right now.

I also found that the coils prime-up really quickly; you do it in the normal fashion (saturate the cotton and leave it to stand for five minutes). Once this is complete it delivers 100% of the flavor right off the bat.

For me, this was the most impressive thing about the GeekVape ALPHA Tank – how it just delivers flavor right away from a fresh coil.

This is why it was added to our A-List for 2018’s Best Vape Tanks.

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The ALPHA Tank | Best Deal For US – VaporDNA ($29.99)

Normally it takes a tank-full of E Juice or thereabouts.

Not here. This thing gives you 100% right away.

Exceptional work, GeekVape!

What I Liked

  • The Flavor is Incredible
  • Exceptional Coil Head Performance & Longevity
  • Solid, Robust Design
  • Simple To Use
  • Top Cap Release Mechanism
  • Excellent Value For Money (It Retails For Just $29.99 via VaporDNA)

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