Kayfun Tanks Worth It? Of Course They Are – Here’s Why…

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They’re lauded as the KINGS of flavor, but are Svoe Mesto Kayfun tanks worth all that money? I have a Kayfun Prime… But are they worth ALL THAT MONEY?

Kayfun Tanks

I own the Kayfun Prime, the Kayfun Lite (2019), and the latest Kayfun X, so maybe I’m a little biased, but I actually do think these amazing MTL vape tanks are worth every penny I paid for them.

How much do Kayfun tanks cost? Quite a bit. You’re looking at $100+ for one of these tanks.

Even at this price point, though, I think they’re still 100% worth it. And the reason is threefold:

  • If you like MTL vaping, the Kayfun MTL draw is unparalleled; it’s basically perfect. 
  • Kayfun tanks are precision-engineered and honed from top-quality build materials. The machining, the detailing, how it all fits together is totally next level when compared to a $20-$30 MTL tank.
  • A Kayfun tank will last you YEARS. I’ve had my Kayfun Prime for almost 2.5 years now and it vapes and functions as good as it always has. I will be using this tank, as well as the Kayfun Lite, well into the late 2020s, no doubt. 

I know, I know – three figures is A LOT for a vape tank, but once you unbox one, set it up, and vape on it you immediately know where all that extra money went.

In this respect, Kayfun tanks are a bit like DNA mods; they’re pricey, way pricier than your standard gear, but they do live up to the hype, whether you’re talking about design, quality of build materials, or, in this context, overall flavor.

SvoMesto Kayfun X MTL RTA

The ultimate in MTL vaping. The flavor master. If you want the absolute best-designed MTL RTA on the market, the Kayfun X is in a league of its own. Combining Svoe Mesto’s legendary design and engineering know-how, the Kayfun X delivers insane amounts of flavor and a pitch-perfect MTL draw – nothing else can match this thing.

  • Easy To Build
  • Market-Leading MTL Draw
  • Best In Class Flavor
  • Exquisite Design and Machining
  • It Will Last You For YEARS
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For any one that likes to MTL vape, a Kayfun tank is basically the end-game, the tank you buy and then use – in most cases – for the rest of your life.

I’ve been using mine, day in day out, for the best part of six years now. The only time I switched it was when the new Kayfun X came out and I wanted to test it.

Were I not a reviewer, I’d still happily be using my six year old Kayfun tank for three very specific reasons:

  1. It works as good now as it did on the first day I unboxed it.
  2. No other MTL tank delivers flavor quite like a Kayfun
  3. And finally the MTL draw is essentially perfect, again, nothing else comes even remotely close

So, yeah: Kayfun tanks, while expensive, are 100% worth the asking price. Like an high-end product, they’re engineered to last for years at a time and run faultlessly.

This is what you’re paying for. That and spades of flavor and a perfect MTL draw.

If you value any or all of these things, treat yourself to a Kayfun tank. I guarantee you will NEVER look back…

Kayfun Clones…

Best Kayfun ClonePin
This AWESOME Kayfun 5 Clone is More or Less as Good As The Real Thing – And It Retails For Just $18!

If you can’t stomach paying over $100 for a vape tank, and that’s perfectly understandable, but you want that awesome Kayfun MTL vaping experience, there is another option – clones.

I don’t usually like clones, but I do own a couple of Kayfun clones that are really good – almost as good as the real thing. And the best thing about them is that they both retail for less than $25.

This makes them almost $100 cheaper than a proper Kayfun tank, and if you’re on a budget, well… that’s all you really need to know! They deliver similar performance, are more or less identical, and pack in tons of flavor.

  • Kayfun 5 Clone ($18.95) – A brilliant Kayfun 5 clone that can be picked up for less than $20. The flavor, build quality, and the deck is all brilliant – almost as good as the real thing. And for the price, this Kayfun clone really cannot be beaten!
  • Kayfun Prime Clone ($22.85) – The Kayfun Prime is a beast of an MTL tank. But this clone does more than enough to keep pace. Again, it’s about $80 cheaper than the official version, so if you want the best possible MTL vape, this Kayfun Prime clone is the one to go for.

Another brilliant option if you’re looking for an alternative to a Kayfun tank would have to be any of Aspire’s latest Nautilus tanks. For MTL vaping, they’re basically flawless. And they cost around 80% less than a Kayfun.

Why You Haven’t Heard of Svoe Mesto Kayfun Tanks

Simple: you can’t really get them in many places in the US, especially online. I was late to the party as well; I bought my first one back in 2017 after constantly hearing about how good they were. I got into MTL vaping late, coming from RDAs and RTAs. I was looking for the perfect MTL tank and literally everybody I asked told me to get a Kayfun, so I did.


Fast-forward a few years, and I now own two Kayfun tanks; the Kayfun Prime and the Kayfun X.

That means I have spent almost $230 on a couple of MTL vape tanks. Had to you told me back in 2015 that’d I’d be spending that kind of money on vape tanks, I’d have laughed in your face.

And yet here I am, $230 poorer but infinitely happier now that I have the perfect MTL package on the planet.

Are Kayfun Tanks Worth ALL THAT MONEY!?


First, you have to ask yourself what you value.

  • Would you rather buy cheap products, so you have money to spend on other things?
  • Do you only buy quality products?
  • Are you interested in design and getting the best flavor/performance from your purchased goods?
  • Do you love vaping?

Most important: are you interested in MTL vaping?

Because if you are, Kayfun tanks are literally the GODS of that small, under-serviced universe of tanks.

Nothing else in the space comes close to what Svoe Mesto has achieved with its Kayfun tanks, and this is why you’ll pay a premium for one.

However, if like me, you take vaping very seriously, and are constantly looking for the best of the best, then $120 isn’t all that much for something that is going to provide you with a lot of pleasure.

I mean, I could spend that on a night out.


I have done, multiple times, and all I had to show for it in the morning was a raging hangover and some laughs.

Nothing useful, nothing I could use again.

Plus, I’m a flavor chaser. So this, combined with ALL of the above, sold me on the idea.

The Kayfun Prime is simple to set up, it never leaks, and it kicks out flavor unlike anything else on the market right now.

It is leagues ahead of 99.9% of tanks in this regard.

Tack on the fact that it’s an MTL tank, and you’re in a very good place.

SvoMesto Kayfun X MTL RTA

The ultimate in MTL vaping. The flavor master. If you want the absolute best-designed MTL RTA on the market, the Kayfun X is in a league of its own. Combining Svoe Mesto’s legendary design and engineering know-how, the Kayfun X delivers insane amounts of flavor and a pitch-perfect MTL draw – nothing else can match this thing.

  • Easy To Build
  • Market-Leading MTL Draw
  • Best In Class Flavor
  • Exquisite Design and Machining
  • It Will Last You For YEARS
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Kayfun Tanks – A Word On E Juice (And The Right Mix To Get)

Best MTL Vape TanksPin

MTL vaping is different from DTL vaping. And this means the experience, and how it vapes and tastes, is different. High VG E Juice, in my experience, is not really suited to MTL vaping.

It works, sure. But the flavor just isn’t there. It just doesn’t cut the mustard as it does in a DTL tank.

What’s best?

I’ve been experimenting around with higher nicotine, and different mixes of PG vs. VG, and I have discovered that higher PG mixes work best in MTL tanks.

You get more flavor and a better throat hit.

High VG is for your heavy-hitting DTL sub-ohms and RDAs. And that’s fine: MTL vaping, like the type you do with a Kayfun, is all about flavor.

Not watts, and not clouds.

It’s ALL about the flavor.

These are better on the throat hit, pack more of a punch, with respect to the nicotine hit, but are still relatively smooth.

Basically, they tick ALL the boxes you want ticking when you’re MTL vaping.

Which Kayfun should you go for? Simple: the latest and greatest one – the Kayfun X.

Need Help? No Problem.

We’ve helped millions of people get started with vaping. If you have any questions or just want plenty of actionable advice, hit the button below – it’s a direct line to Drake.

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