
Why Your RTA Tank Leaks ALL THE TIME (And How To Fix It)

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RTA tanks are funny things.

They can be tricky to live with if you’re wicking technique isn’t on point and this, more often than not, results in and dry hits.

RTA tank leaks are VERY common too – and super annoying.

For newbie vapers, this can be really demoralising as well because RTA tanks – at least, on paper – are the perfect combination of juice capacity and RDA-like flavor.

On paper, they take elements from sub-ohm tanks and RDAs and combine them inside one device.

But AGAIN, if you’re wicking isn’t 100% on point, you will run into problems time after time.

I know this because I too have suffered at the hands of an RTA – suffered from leaks, dry hits, and the ensuing anger that results from the tank just not working properly.

RTA Tank and Correct Wicking

Wicking is an art form. Once you have it locked down, it becomes second nature – sort of like driving or riding a bike.

There is a big learning curve, however, when learning the correct technique, especially if you’re a noob vaper.

For this reason, you need to dedicate time to learning the craft of wicking.

Don’t bite off more than you can chew, either – buy pre-made Clapton or Alien coils, to begin with.

They’re cheap and will deliver way better performance than your homemade ones.

I’ve used RDAs and RTAs for years and I ALWAYS use pre-made Clapton and Alien coils.

Why? Simple: it’s just easier, less fuss. And I’m all about that.

FYI – I have put together a guide on wicking, which you should definitely check out: Wicking 101: How To Wick Like A Pro.

How To Wick An RTA Tank Properly

Every RTA tank will be slightly different.

This means you need to take each one as an individual and work with its specific nuances.

And RTA tanks are unforgiving; things have to be just right or your RTA tank leaks or you get burnt-tasting dry hits. And no one wants that.

Some RTAs are easier to wick than others; the Griffin 25 RTA, for instance, is notoriously difficult to get right, while the Dovpo Blotto is a lot easier – it also doesn’t leak. And on top of that you get some of the best flavor performance on the market.

Why Your RTA Tank Leaks ALL THE TIME (And How To Fix It)Pin
Dovpo Blotto RTA

Things To Keep In Mind:

  • Ensure cotton is the right thickness; it should have slight resistance against the coils when you move it, but not too much. Less is more in this regard.
  • Ensure coils sit above (but don’t touch) the air hole inside your deck – this will stop leaking
  • Trim your cotton and keep it OUT of the juice channels; they should rest on top of them
  • Keep ALL your cotton inside the deck (and make sure the ends are nice and fluffy)
  • Add a SMALL amount of juice to test things out; if it’s working as desired, fill her up!


This could be down to your wicking and/or the tank itself. It’s most likely the former, though defects in RTA tanks (like all tanks) can happen.

Make sure all your O-Rings are in place and sit as they should; these O-Rings help create a vacuum inside the tank and, once your coil is installed correctly, with proper wicking, this ensures leaks do not happen.

RTA Tank Leaks & Other Issues

Bottom line: RTA tanks are fiddly. And everybody that has ever used them knows this. For this reason, you gotta bring your A-Game when using them.

I never recommend RTA tanks to newbie vapers, as there are just too many moving parts and results are always a little, umm… squiffy.

Speaking personally, I’ll take a decent squonk RDA over an RTA every day of the week and twice on a Sunday.

The GOAT RDA – A New Modular RDA From The Mind of Grimm Green & Ohm Boy

They’re easier to build on, easier to wick, provide better flavor and clouds, and create hardly any issues – even for noob vapers.

RTA tanks can be great though, especially when you can get them working properly.

If you’re struggling with your RTA right now, just keep working on your wicking and dig into the engineering of the tank, find out what makes it tick.

Otherwise, just get yourself a badass RDA.

Want An RTA Tank That DOES NOT Leak?

Well, I have news for you: there are RTA tanks that do just that – not leak.

They’re also super-simple to live and work with…

And they’re all collected inside our Ultimate Guide To RTA Tanks.

Top RTA Tanks THAT Don’t Leak! 

Dovpo Blotto RTADual-Coil100% VIEW PRICES
GeekVape Zeus X RTAMesh Coil90% VIEW PRICES
Hellvape Vertex RTASingle Coil95%VIEW PRICES
Wotofo Profile M RTA Dual Coil93%VIEW PRICES
A Quick Overview of 2021’s Best RTA Tanks

We constantly update this list too, so keep it bookmarked for future reference!

Need Help? No Problem.

We’ve helped millions of people get started with vaping. If you have any questions or just want plenty of actionable advice, hit the button below – it’s a direct line to Drake.

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