A new revision of the Gene Chip, 21700 support and TPP coils may sound tempting, but if you already own the Drag S/X, easily the best POD Mod of 2020, getting the Voopoo Drag S/X Pro feels unnecessary.
Voopoo Drag S/X Pro Verdict – 79%
Voopoo Drag S/X Pros:
- 21700 Support, finally
- TPP Coils are solid
- Multi-function switch is a small, but welcome touch
- Airflow Control still works well
Voopoo Drag S/X Pro Cons:
- Quite similar to the previous version
- It’s a chonky boy

When the Voopoo Drag S and X launched, it was revolutionary. The best airflow for a POD mod, massive battery and the best sub-ohm coils on the market. Roll on a few months and a few devices that struggled to find their footing (even if they were good) and Voopoo has rolled out a new version of the Drag S/X.
The new Pro version has a few small changes, but the biggest change is the 21700 compatibility on the Drag X Pro version. Is this enough to make you dump your OG and spend cash on the new version? Perhaps.
The new version of the Drag looks incredibly similar to the 2020 version, albeit a bit chunkier (for both the X and S) A bigger battery (3000mAh) for the S and 21700 compatibility on the X being the sole reason for the increase in girth.
There’s some leather wrap around and the front facia is a good mix between the Drag X and Drag 3. A fairly average 0.96″ TFT display takes center stage with a rocker style adjustment button below it. A very handy addition here is the power switch that frees up the fire button from this duty. As is the current fashion, the Drag pro features a USB C charging port right at the bottom of the front facia.

The new TPP tank takes an old-school approach to tanks with a non-integrated drip tip and much less plastic then the previous model. Seems like Voopoo is actually listening to their fans. The new TPP tank features a top-fill port that sits right below, and off to the side of the drip tip. It feels sketchier than the bottom-fill version, but let me tell you, this is a hefty improvement. The tank tanks a whopping 5.5ml of juice.
That’s about the extent of changes to the pro versions of the Drag X/S. Not a lot, but feel like solid quality of life improvements.
The Drag Pro now offers a maximum of 100w like the bigger Plus series, no doubt thanks to the increase in battery capacity and while we’re mentioning it, thank you for having the balls to finally offer a 21700 POD Mod Voopoo. Sure, it adds some heft to the Drag, but this is easily the most requested feature in Pod Mods. I’m skeptical if 100w on a sub-ohm coil is feasible, but the option is there. I’d love to hear from someone that drinks molten lava, because that’s exactly what this feels like at full power.
If you’re keeping tabs, we’re at the third iteration of the Gene chip (1 for the OG Drag, 2 for the first Drag X/Argus/3 etc) In all honesty, just stick to what ever version there is no, there’s zero identifiable difference between the Gene 2.0 and Gene 3.0 besides confusing consumers. Voopoo says a few milliseconds cut from the fire time, but we’re nearing negative figures and world implosion, so let’s just stop.
I need to spend some more time with the new TPP coils to compare them fairly to the PNP coils, but thankfully the new TPP X pod tank supports both. There’s two new coils 0.15ohm and 0.3ohm again, but this time can be fired at a full 100w for some reason.
I was a fan of the old plastic tank, but the old school design, combined with 360″ airflow make the TPP tank one of my favourites to date. Flavour is every bit as good as with the PNP tank, but there’s slightly more saturation in the flavours. Deeper, richer notes from falvours I thought I knew well. We’ll see how well the coils hold up, but so far I am impressed and could manage around 2 weeks before needing to replace the coil.
Let’s get to the point, the 21700 compatibility on the the Drag X Pro. 21700 are anything but new, but sorely missed in this market segment. Instead of getting half a day battery usage, I am now able to extend this life on the Drag X Pro to nearly 2 days. On the S Pro, with a 3000mAh battery, I averaged a day and a half on a full charge. Respectable.
The TPP tank gets rid of the all plastic design in favour of a more classic look. The airflow still sits at the within the mod, and is smooth as butter. Wide open feels like choking on a ventilator and fully closed you’re sucking a penny through the Popes’ asshole, but right around 50% feels spot-on.
- Size: 135.5×28.8×34.5mm
- Screen: 0.96″ TFT
- Power Range: 5-100w
- Materials: Aluminium Alloy + Leather
- Battery: External dual 18650/21700 on the Drag X Pro and 3000mAh internal on the Drag S Pro
Voopoo Drag X/S Pro Conclusion
The new Drag X and S Pro offer minor changes and improvements of the normal versions, but the changes are quality of life instead of being frivolous. The 21700 compatibility is by far the best improvement with the new TPP tank being a close second. I do like the dedicated power button too.
The Pro series Drags are decent performers at the core, made better by slight improvements, but only really recommended if you need the extra battery capacity
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