
Hermetic RDA Review | Restricted Lung Hit + DENSE Flavor

Hermetic RDAPin
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The Hermetic RDA by Blitz and SuckMyMod is a single coil RDA that squonks. It’s also one of the tightest, most restricted lung hit RDA tanks I have ever come across. Is it any good, though?

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SuckMyMod, or SMM, as he’s also known, is a busy dude.

He does a YouTube channel and, in his spare time, designs atomizers.

SMM was the guy behind Wotofo’s thoroughly excellent Serpent RTA.

The Hermetic RDA is his latest collaboration, this time with Blitz Industries, and once again we’re looking at a single coil atty.

This is an RDA, however, and is designed for use with squonk mods, though you can, of course, use it as a dripper too.

I just spent the best part of two weeks using this mod.

Read on for my full report.

Hermetic RDA Review

Hermetic RDAPin
Atop The Vandy Vape PULSE 80W


Old school RDAs were kind of long and big and utilitarian-looking.

I liked the way they looked, and it appears SMM shares the same opinion.

The Hermetic RDA is a straight-up, traditional looking RDA dripper-style tank. You have a fat drip top (810) up top, a solid top cap under it (22mm), and a ceramic clamp for securing the coil.

Blitz has included a beauty ring too, but I never bother with these.

Hermetic RDA
The Logo

The tank is old school-looking and this for me is a big plus, it harks back to the RDAs of yesteryear, and it looks all the better for it.

It’s available in silver or black (mine’s silver) and the only branding you’ll see on the tank itself is a Hermetic Seal – a logo used often in occult texts and things of an esoteric nature.

I like the name and I love the way it looks. The size, finish, and minimal branding are all big plus points for me. Far too many OEMs get too bogged down in fancy bullshit that really doesn’t matter. Simple is always best.

The Deck

The main event here is the airflow; it’s tight and focussed. And you can’t really do anything about it. Even wide open, it’s still a restricted lung hit.

The net result of this is that you get intense, dense vapor production. If you like swooshy airflow, this might not be one for you. It took me a while to get used to it; now, I’m 100% smitten.

Hermetic RDA
The Clamp & Deck

Hermetic RDA

The AFC is set very low, and so too is the squonk port, so air comes in and down at the coils. It’s a weird system but it works beautifully.

When you squonk, the juice comes out through a hole just below the airflow hole. The juice well is pretty deep too, so you can REALLY squonk this hard and not get overspill.


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The surface tensions present in the tank pretty much remove any leaking, though if you get too squonk happy and keep on hitting it over and over again, you will get some leakage from the AFC.

It’s a single coil atty, as mentioned before, and that coil is held in place by a ceramic clamp. Installing coils and wicking is very straightforward, an idiot could do it blindfolded.

You have plenty of room on the deck too, meaning you can install coils of all shapes and sizes. I used a few different types, but found larger coils tended to perform better – they just suited the tank’s airflow better.

Hermetic RDA Flavor Performance

Once you get used to the draw, which is VERY tight, you’re in for a world of flavor. I’ve run multiple E Juice lines through the Hermetic RDA and it has found flavors in them that I never noticed before.

To me, this is a sign of an RDA that is special. It doesn’t happen very often, but when it does I know I got myself a keeper.

Hermetic RDAPin
The Top Cap & Airflow Hole

The Hermetic RDA is definitely a keeper.

And it is so easy to wick and setup that even the most inexperienced builder could do it with very little instruction. I think I had my first build in and installed in less than 60 seconds.

Hermetic RDA Performance | Better Than The Recurve RDA?

This is a tough one to call. Both are solid performers; they also both look great, squonk brilliantly, and kick out intense, precise flavor. I have both and I use both – so which do I prefer?

Honestly? I think I prefer the Hermetic RDA. Once you get used to its tight, restricted lung draw the tank just comes into its own, revealing flavor notes that previously just weren’t there.

I also like the way that it can perform well at any given setting from 45W to 70W; it fires up quick and it never gets hot.

Wotofo Recurve RDAPin
The Recurve RDA

Personally, I like to do my vaping in and around 60W with this RDA – any more and it starts to lose some of its magic.

The main difference between the two RDAs and most other rebuildable in this class is the airflow.

With the Recurve RDA, which is listed inside our Best RDA Guide For Late 2018, you have some room to play with; the Hermetic RDA is straight-up tight pretty much across the board.

Whether this is your kind of thing will depend on what kind of draw you like from an RDA.

I’m always open to new things, so I like having the Hermetic RDA in my collection, as it is unlike anything else I own.

If you prefer restricted lung hits, this tank is one of the best options around right now. If you like airy, swooshiness that is more common on larger, dual-coil RDAs, then you will not dig it one bit.

What I Liked

  • The Design is Old School, And I Love It.
  • Minimal Branding, Save For A Cool Logo
  • Big Deck, Easy To Build On
  • Great For Squonking
  • Nice-Sized Juice Wells
  • Beautiful, Restricted Lung Hit Draw

What I Disliked

  • It Only Has One Style of Draw: TIGHT
  • Not Everyone Will Like This

Best Place To Buy Hermetic RDA Online?

HeavenGifts | $32.99 (24 Hour Delivery Guaranteed)

(UK) HeavenGift | $26.99

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