
Aspire TRITON 2 Review: You NEED This Tank In Your LIFE

Aspire TRITON 2Pin
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Can the Aspire TRITON 2 top the original TRITON? Read our Aspire TRITION 2 Review to find out

The Aspire TRITON was an aggressive-looking tank. Like an AMG-edition Mercedes, it just looked powerful, mean and dangerous. And I liked that about it — tanks are all so similar looking these days. It had go faster chrome accents, great technology and a bunch of unique features that helped set it apart from the crowd.

The Aspire TRITON 2 attempts to take this one step farther, building on the precedent set by the original TRITON and adding a bunch of new features and technologies in order to make THIS tank the one we’re all clamouring over in 2016. But is it all its cracked up to be? Did Aspire hit the ball out of the park once again? Is this tank worth adding to you collection?

These are tough questions to answer because there are A LOT of awesome tanks in circulation these days. More so than ever before, so choosing the right one for you is becoming increasingly more difficult. When testing a tank I look for three core things: 1) ease of use, 2) flavour and cloud production, and 3) the quality of coils available for it.

I’ve spent the last month honking on the Aspire TRITON 2. Here’s my verdict on Aspire’s successor to its original TRITON tank.

Aspire TRITON 2 Review: Packaging

Aspire hasn’t changed its packaging in, well, as long as I can remember. The box the TRITON 2 came in looked pretty much the same as the one my Atlantis V2 tank came in. And this is fine too, because Aspire’s packing, while a tad dull, is perfectly acceptable with everything contained neatly and in a logic manner.

What’s In The Box?

  • Aspire Triton Tank
  • Aspire Triton 2 Clapton Coil (0.5 Ohms)
  • Aspire Triton 1.8 Ohms kanthal Coil
  • Replacement Pyrex Glass Tube
  • User Manual

Aspire included a good selection of coils here; one for mouth to lung hitting (1.8ohms), and one for lung hitters (0.5ohms). The Clapton coils are of excellent quality as well — but more on those later.

Aspire TRITON 2 Review: Design & Features

As previously stated, I loved the original TRITON tank. For me it was one of the best sub-ohm tanks in the business. I loved the way it looked. I love the way it vaped. And I loved its overall design, usability and built-in features. Next to the UWELL Crown, it was my daily-driver. Picking between the two was always a tough choice.

Aspire TRITON 2Pin

Aspire — for better or worse, depending on you view of the original TRITON — have toned down the design of the TRITON 2 quite A LOT. The overall design and finish is no way near as aggressive-looking as the original TRITON. I don’t mind this, personally, as long as it vapes well and I know, anecdotally, that a few reviewers found the original “a bit much” in the aesthetics department, so perhaps this was a wise move by Aspire.

Aspire Triton 2 Features:

  • Bottom Airflow Control Valve
  • Top Cooling Airflow Control Valve
  • Two-Notch Heat Dissipation Fins
  • Top-Filling E-Liquid System
  • Made With 304-Grade Stainless Steel
  • E-Liquid Tank Made With Pyrex Glass
  • Optional RTA System to Build Your Own Coils
  • New Sleek and Clean Design
  • Can Be Completely Disassembled
  • Wide Range of Atomizer Coils
  • Immense Vapor Clouds
  • Robust and Tasty Flavor Production
  • Wide-Bore Drip Tip
  • Japanese Organic Cotton Coils

But it’s not just look and feel where Aspire has made adjustments. The airflow system inside the TRITON 2 is now more precise, allowing for a greater degree of control over your vaping experience. In addition to this, the TRITON 2’s airflow is now focussed below the coil and this, as you’d expect, results improved, cooler flavour production.

Aspire TRITON 2Pin

And this is a VERY good thing, because, if, like me, you prefer a cool vape experience then the TRITON 2 is the tank for you, as it is ALL about heat dissipation, which allows for maximum flavour and a not-too-hot-vape experience, even when hitting it at very high wattage, through its new “double notch heat fins” which direct heat away from the drip-tip, ensuring a very pleasant vape.

Aspire TRITON 2 Review: Ease of Use — Set-Up & Refilling Tank

Assembly is simple, partly because the tank comes more or less set up to go, but also because of the overall attention to detail in the design language of this tank. Good design is invisible, according to Apple, and that philosophy is very much present here. The TRITON 2 just works and it does so with very little assistance from you.

Like the original TRITON, the TRITON 2 is also a top-filler — just with a twist. Aspire wants to make leaking and gurgling a thing of the past and its design for the top-piece of the TRITON 2 is its solution to both of these things. But if you’re not paying attention this aspect of the tank might cause some mistakes, so take note.

To refill the TRITON 2 you must unscrew the mouthpiece from the tank; its recessed into the very top of the tank and is visible to the eye, owing to its machine circular design which you can see when looking at the tank from above.

Aspire TRITON 2Pin

To unscrew the mouthpiece for refilling, turn it counter-clockwise. This reveals two things: the shoot for the vapour and the refill slits on either side. Obviously, you use the two slits on the side of the vapour hole to fill the tank.

But in order to access these refill slits, you need to turn the top of the tank, which is marked with accents and two logos (one for dripping, another for vaping). To refill, turn it to the dripping logo, refill, and, once you’re done turn it back — you will see the slits open and close when you do this. Once you’re refilled, you want the slits closed.

Once you’ve done this and you’re ready to vape, make sure you can see the cotton of the coil through the viewing holes inside the tank. If you cannot adjust the top fill mechanism (the one with the logos on it) until the coil cotton is visible through the viewing holes inside the tank. If they’re covered and you vape you WILL get a dry hit — I made this mistake when I first got the TRITON 2 and cursed the coils for being shitty before I realised my error.

As always, be sure to prime the coils before use. For optimum soak, I’d recommend you do this and let the tank sit for 20 minutes before taking your first hit. Doing this will ensure the cotton is drenched and will prolong the life of you coils in the long run.

Aspire Triton 2 Specifications:

  • Base Material: 304-Grade Stainless Steel
  • Tank Material: Pyrex Glass
  • Threading: 510
  • Liquid Capacity: 3 ml
  • Height: 2.63 Inches (67mm) – (without drip tip)
  • Diameter: 0.88 Inches (22.5mm)
  • Atomizer Wicking Material: Japanese Organic Cotton
  • Stainless Steel Coils: 0.3 ohms, 0.4 0hms
  • Kanthal Coils: 1.8 ohms, 0.5 ohms (Clapton)
  • Nickel Coils: 0.15 ohms

Aspire TRITON 2 Review: Performance & Coils

The TRITON 2 easily surpasses its predecessor with respect to flavour, cloud production and overall features. You get a cooler, more flavourful vaping experience and I really appreciate the lengths Aspire has gone to to reduce leaking and gurgling. In the month I’ve been using this setup I have experienced ZERO issues.

Aspire’s Clapton coils are also bloody excellent as well, producing insane clouds and truly great flavour. They also come in a variety of setups as well — 0.3ohms, 0.4ohms, 0.5ohms, 0.15ohm and 1.8ohms — and are constructed from surgical stainless steel (316L).

Aspire TRITON 2Pin

The TRITON Clapton Coil Heads are constructed with Kanthal wire that is arranged in a twisted Clapton-style, which is where the name is derived from. This types of coil are VERY impressive indeed and anyone coming over from older Aspire tanks will notice a big uplift in performance, flavour and cloud production.

Aspire TRITON 2Pin

You can also rock Nickel coils for those that prefer using TC on their mods. And if all that wasn’t enough, the TRITON 2 is also great for those that like to build there own coils. In true hybrid-style, the TRITON 2 full supports Aspire’s optional RTA, which gives more experienced users the ability to build their own setups and choose their own cotton. For me, this is the cherry on an already VERY TASTY cake.

Aspire TRITON 2 Review: Verdict

This is one of the best vape tanks in the business right now. It looks great, performs brilliantly and, like all good tanks, doesn’t exclude rebuilders from the fun with its hybrid nature.

If you’re looking for a great all-day tank that’ll provide awesome experiences for the rest of 2016, the you’ll definitely want to check out the TRITON 2. Whatever setup you’re using, Aspire has a coil solution for you. I love this about this tank; it caters to all tastes, needs and requirements. The Aspire TRITON 2 is EASILY one of the top three vape tanks in the business right now. DO NOT MISS THIS ONE!

You Can Buy The AWESOME Aspire TRITON 2 RIGHT NOW For $39 With FREE SHIPPING From DIRECTVAPOR or if you’re in the UK check it out via Amazon where you can pick one up for 20 quid! 



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