What Is A Boro Box Mod? Complete Beginner’s Guide

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In this guide, we’ll explain exactly what a boro box mod is, how they work, and why they’re so damn popular right now…

You’ve heard of pod vapes. And disposables. And vape mods and vape tanks too, most likely. But what about boro box mods? They’re still fairly niche, especially compared to the other types of vapes just mentioned.

But boro mods are getting very popular right now in the USA, and the reason is simple: they’re massively customizable, they come with way more power and capabilities than most pod vapes, and they’re small and relatively compact.

What’s not to like? Plus, the price of these types of mods has dropped massively – boro mods are now pretty cheap to buy.

For those that are NOT aware of what a boro box vape is, or how they work, this guide is designed as a quick primer for everything you need to know about boro box mods, including all the extras you need to consider as well…

What Are Boro Box Mods?

First, let’s establish why a boro box mod is called a “boro”. The history actually dates back to 2012, when the OG Billet Box was released. This device was the first ever boro box mod and it used borosilicate glass for its tank.

The term borosilicate glass is where the phrase boro tank or boro box mod comes from. All boro tanks and boro mods use a similar borosilicate glass-style drip tip. This is how you know it’s a boro vape.

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Okay, but how is a boro box mod different to a pod system or a vape mod? In lots of ways, actually – and most of them are positives too.

A boro box mod (or vape) is an all-in-one (AIO) vape device that runs a boro-style tank system. The boro tank itself is completely unique design when compared to standard pod vapes and vape tanks. It also features a variety of customisation options.

So, with this type of device you can run one mod with a range of different boro tanks. Or, you could run a range of different mods with one boro tank. As long as your boro is compatible, you’re good to go.

Like all AIO vapes, everything is contained within the device itself; the tank, the juice, and the coil/RBA all live inside the box mod/vape mod.

Once you get your kit, you simply set it up, following the instructions, and piece it all together – warning: it is quite a bit more involved than a pod vape – and the end result is a high-performance vaping machine that is fully customizable with different coils, bridges, and adapters.

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Types of Boro Tanks

  • Boro Tanks – available in loads of different options from stock-style to A-Tank and even propriety options.
  • Boro RBAs – you can buy a load of different style boro RBAs, from mainstream brands to hobbyist builders online. Again, the sky’s the limit in this context. But you cannot use an RBA with coil bridges, of course.
  • Boro Bridges – with a boro bridge, you can use pre-made coils inside your boro tank. Great for users that don’t like messing around with coil installs and wicking.

Most boro tanks are RBA-style, for instance, but you can run them with pre-made coil heads too via a bridge which is great if you don’t like messing around with cotton and wicking.

In this respect, boro tanks are a great stepping stone for anyone that likes using rebuildable atomizers (RTAs, RDAs) but is looking for something more portable than a standard tank + vape mod combination.

MTL, DTL & Restricted DTL Boro Tanks

As with most vape tanks and pods, you can get different types of coils, both RBA and pre-made, ranging from the sub-ohm variety right up to MTL and tight DTL coil heads, effectively covering all the bases.

This means, when it comes to running a boro vape, you have a plethora of options when it comes to vaping styles. And because of the uniform nature of the vast majority of boro tanks, you can run all kinds of setups on a singular, inexpensive mod.

This is the main reason why boro mods and tanks are fast becoming the go-to vape setup of a lot of vapers.

Boro Box Benefits

Just as you can run pretty much any 510-style vape tank on any vape mod with a 510 connection, you can run any type of boro tank on any type of boro vape mod, opening all kinds of possibilities.

For experienced or beginner vapers alike, a boro mod is a great place to be these days. The market is growing rapidly and the cost of these types of devices which, traditionally were very expensive, are now coming down to the $30 to $50 mark in some cases.

  1. They’re more versatile than a vape mod and tank combo;
  2. They’re infinitely better than a pod system and/or disposable with respect to power, battery life, and overall performance;
  3. You can run a boro mod as an RBA and get RDA-grade flavor or as an MTL system. It all depends on the boro tank you choose to run.

Is A Boro Box Vape Worth It?

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If you’re bored with pods, fed up running vape mods and tanks that need endless coil changes, a boro box vape will feel like a breath of fresh air. You’ll have to learn (or relearn) a few things and, in some cases, the setup can be a little tricky the first time you do it, but the end result is a brilliant vaping experience that is well worth your time.

You get all the best aspects of a vape mod (power, customization options, solid, robust design), a pod vape (compact design and lightweight), and more traditional all in one systems inside a singularly unique new type of device.

You’ll still need your 18650 batteries, of course, as all of the best boro box mods run on single 18650 cells. But you’ll have way more options and potential styles of vaping at your fingertips than with any other type of vape device.

Me? I’ve been running the WIZVAPOR Beeper AIO Box Mod Kit for a few months now and, while it did take some getting used to in the beginning, I now love it to bits. I never thought I’d like boro vapes, but after just a few months I now consider myself a convert.

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