The Best Vape Shops in London

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Where are the best vape shops in London?


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London’s a big place. It has a lot of vape shops. But what are the best vape shops in London (and, more importantly, where are they located)?

London is the biggest city in the UK and, for the best part of a decade, it is a place I have called home.

Over the years, as vaping went from underground phenomenon to mainstream pass time, I’ve seen vape shops springing up all over the place.

I’ve frequented many of the vape shops in London over the years and in the back of my head, I always made notes about how good they were.

I knew, as early as 2012, that I wanted to make a vaping blog… it was just a matter of time.

Best UK Online Vape Shops

I eventually got around to it in 2014/15 – late, I know, but what the hell; starting is always the hardest part of anything.

Whenever I visited a vape shop in London that I liked, I made a note about it – the staff, the product variety, the pricing, the layout. I knew I’d be writing this post eventually, so I wanted to be prepared.

In the weeks before publishing this piece I did a little tour of London’s finest vape shops in order to come up with a list of vape shops I could recommend to our readers.

This is that list.

So if you’re in the capital like me and you want to know where the best vape shops in London are… read on for my picks.

The Best Vape Shops in London: House of Vapes

I discovered these guys pretty late. But they are easily my favorite London vape shop on this list. And, as a side bonus, they have stores in Shoreditch, Notting Hill, Fulham, and St John’s Hill.

The staff in the Shoreditch store, my local, are great and always very helpful. The selection of E-Juices, Tanks, and Hardware is exceptional – they always have the latest and greatest gear.

And if they don’t have what you want they always offer to order it in.

The staff will take their time with you if you’re a beginner, help you choose the right setup for your needs, and are great at recommending E-Liquids based on your preferences.

I cannot say enough nice things about House of Vapes. If you got one nearby, drop in and have a look.

The Best Vape Shops in London: Smokium

Smokium is another great shop in East London. Their motto is simple: designed by vapors, for vapors. The Smokium store is immaculately turned out and has an extensive selection of products – the juice range is immense.

The staff is great, friendly and VERY knowledgeable. You always feel welcome in there and, providing its not super busy, you can spend as long as like discussing options, ejuice lines and upcoming products.

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For instance: when I was last there, one of the staff members spent a good 30 minutes explaining everything there was to know about vaping to an elderly gentleman that had decided to finally kick cigarettes.

Lovely shop. Great people. Awesome selection of hardware and juices.

The Best Vape Shops in London: Avant-Garde E-Liquid

Bit of pop trivia for you here: I bought my first EVER, high-performance mod from Avant Garde E-Liquid.

These guys predominantly do juice – very, very good, award-winning E-juice – but they also offer a limited but impressive selection of hardware, from tanks to mods to peripherals.

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The staff at this place, last time I went in, are super nice and there’s always plenty of vapers hanging out in there. They’re based in Soho, so if you’re looking at picking up some premium-ass ejuice and you’re in the area, drop in and say hello.

Also: tell them VapeBeat sent you!

UK Ecig Store

The UK Ecig Store is one of the biggest vape retailers in the world. Their flagship shop is located in Wembley and is well worth a visit if you’re in North London.

I’ve been in multiple times over the years, watched it grow and develop, and I am always super impressed by the amount of ejuice and gear they have in store.

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If you’re looking for ejuice and are in the area, you could literally spend weeks in there sampling all that’s on offer.

UK Ecig Store has a big online presence, arguably the biggest in the UK.

The staff is very knowledgeable and very friendly as well, so if you’re after a dizzying array of selection make sure you drop in next time you’re near Wembley.


Another East London location, Vape Buzz is located just around the corner from Aldgate East run by two dudes called Vimal and Ravi that REALLY know their stuff.

Whether you’re a noobie or an experienced vaper, I guarantee you will learn something new when you visit VapeBuzz.

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Last time I went in I walked out with 180ml of ejuice from brands I’d never heard of before. A week later, most of it was gone which should tell you everything you need to know about these guys!

The store itself is stunning as well. You can tell a lot of love, blood, sweat, and aspiration have gone into making this place what it is today.

The London Vape Company

The London Vape Company are the last entry on this list but they are by no means the least good!

Quite the contrary, in fact, as The London Vape Company is one of my all-time favorite vape shops in London.

The London Vape Company have four stores, as far as I’m aware, located in Camden Town, Holloway (my local one), Barnet and Enfield Town, so you should be able to get to one wherever you’re based.

What I like most about The London Vape Company is their focus on ONLY carrying up to date, modern kit and ejuices. That and the lovely staff they employ; the ones at Holloway are awesome.

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Pop trivia: I first heard about the UWELL Crown back in the day at The London Vape Company Holloway store.

The other thing I like about The London Vape Company is that they only carry up to date hardware and juices.

You will never see them trying to up-sell a noobie vaper on an ancient Kanger kit, for instance.

They know what the best kit is and they’re always 100% straight with you. The staff really know their stuff as well. The last time I was in the Holloway store, I spent almost 30 minutes chatting to the dude in there about the TPD laws.

Benefits of Buying Vape Gear Online

If you’re looking to buy vape gear online, why not just use the VapeBeat Store? We have all the best vape juices and e-liquid brands, as well as disposable vapes, tanks, and even CBD products. Basically, everything you’ll ever need!

Plus, buying online is cheaper than buying in stores.

First and foremost: it’s usually A LOT cheaper. And this is down to basic economics: websites and e-comm stores are cheaper to run than brick and mortar stores. There is less overhead and this means lower prices. Usually, anyway…

The second is choice: most online retailers have A LOT more gear and E juices than regular retail stores. For this reason, I tend to do most of my vape shopping online. I like having lots of choices!

That’s not to say brick and mortar vape shops are irrelevant because they aren’t! Far from it, in fact… They’re great places for beginner vapers that want to speak to someone directly about switching to ecigs. And a lot of vape shops also have great community events too.

This is why I use both wherever possible. I like to support my local vape shops and I have my favorite online places to shop. And this is really the key to sticking with vaping: you need to find good places to shop, so you’re never left hanging.

Need Help? No Problem.

We’ve helped millions of people get started with vaping. If you have any questions or just want plenty of actionable advice, hit the button below – it’s a direct line to Drake.

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