
Aspire Nautilus 2 Review: Return of The (MTL) KING

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Aspire Nautilus 2 Review – MTL vaping RETURNS with added support for sub-ohm vaping. But is it any good? 

Aspire is one of the oldest brands in the vaping scene.

It’s been around for as long as I can remember and in this time it has produced some very important products.

Most notably the original Aspire Nautilus.

Well, Aspire is back with a rebooted version of one of its most famous tanks.

The Aspire Nautilus 2 features a new design, excellent build materials and looks to bring MTL (mouth-to-lung) vaping back in vogue.

Aspire has produced A LOT of tanks between the first Nautilus and the release of the Nautilus 2. The most notable of which are the Aspire Cleito and the Aspire TRITON – both sub-ohm tanks.

MTL vaping is a BIG deal for many vapers, and while good options are scant, it is still a very lucrative niche for vape brands.

I just spent two weeks getting reacquainted with the Aspire Nautilus 2 and you know what? I actually had a blast MTL vaping.

Read on for my full review of the Aspire Nautilus 2…

Aspire Nautilus 2 Review



Typical of Aspire, the packaging is elegant, simple and to the point. There’s nothing too fancy here; just a container for the device that’s designed to keep it safe during transit.

The front of the box features an image of the Aspire Nautilus 2 and a list of its USPs, which are as follows:

  • Top Fill
  • Precise Adjustable Airflow
  • Compact, yet Curvy Design
  • 2mL Capacity
  • Improved Flavor Production

In the side of the box we see an Aspire authentication code, batch code, and a list of alternative colour options.

The Aspire Nautilus 2 is available in a variety of colours, so you should be able to find exactly what you’re looking for it you have a preference for a certain colour:

  • Anodised Black
  • Anodised Red
  • Anodised Blue
  • Anodised Silver
  • Anodised Grey

Aspire’s included a fair whack of additional kit inside the box, which is a nice touch. The full roster of gear included is as follows:

  • Instruction Manual
  • Extra Glass tube
  • Spare O-Rings
  • Spare coil 1.8ohm
  • 0.7ohm coil preinstalled
  • A Plastic Drip Tip – Black

Aspire Nautilus 2 Design


Onto the the Nautilus tank. The look and design of the Nautilus 2 is very retro with a modern twist to accommodate the look of today’s tanks while trying to maintain the original Nautilus styling.

It’s a very unique-looking tank and I am definitely a fan of the styling. It doesn’t look like anything else on market right now. And while 2ML capacity might seem a little on the paltry side, the reason for this is so that it is TPD compliant. Thanks, Europe!


The Aspire Nautilus 2 features a top fill design, which is great. All tanks should be top fill these days. It means less mess and less hassle when you top up the tank. And with only 2ml to play with, you’re going to be accessing this part of the tank quite a lot.

Aspire Nautilus 2 MTL Tank Performance


Right out of the box with the 0.7ohm coil installed the Nautilus 2 was already in Sub-Ohm mode. I got the Nautilus 2 all primed and ready to go, setting the wattage to a mere 15W.

Now, 15W is about as low as I’ve been since I first started vaping many, many moons ago now. But after five puffs or so, the Aspire Nautilus 2 came to life and delivered some rather impressive flavour and clouds.

The flavour was brilliant. I mean, really good. Everything was super sharp and the clouds, given the low wattage, were exceptionally good. The upshot of this style of vaping (i.e. low power vaping) is that you’ll conserve a lot of juice and your batteries will last longer.


The coil system here is the same as the original Nautilus. However, Aspire have updated it in a few choice areas: better kanthal wire and organic cotton are now present and accounted for and the net result of this is better flavour and increased longevity.

How long? I’ve been vaping the same 0.7ohm coil for two and half weeks now and it’s still going strong. I’m still kind of amazed by this, if I’m 100% honest, as I’ve never been a fan of Aspire’s coils. Historically, they’ve usually been expensive and utterly rubbish.

Just goes to show what a difference decent kanthal wire makes!


You will be lucky to run your Nautilus 2 higher than 20W, as that is the max for the 0.7ohm coil. Take my word for it as well – I tried 25W and got a dry hit.

The airflow system on the Aspire Nautilus 2 is decent enough, allowing for plenty of control over the style of vaping you can do with this tank. All in there are five potential airflow settings. Have a fiddle around until you find your sweet spot.

You can run this tank in two separate modes: Mouth To Lung or Sub Ohm. The ML coils are the 1.8ohm ones and the DL (direct to lung) coils are the 0.7ohm.

Aspire Nautilus 2 Final Thoughts

I don’t think this tank will ever replace my SMOK TFV12 or TFV8, but using it for two weeks was definitely a nice change of pace.

It reminded me of a few things I’d kind of forgotten about: 1) you don’t need masses of power for a decent vape, and 2) you will save TONS of E Juice vaping at in and around 20W.

If you like MTL vaping, and you don’t want to pay Kayfun prices, this is definitely a solid option.

It looks great, performs great and it is easily one of the best MTL vaping experiences on the market right now.

If you’re a seasoned vaper looking for something a little different, I would highly recommend this tank. The flavor is brilliant and the clouds are decent. The styling of this tank, for me, is one of its biggest draws.

I’d forgotten just how good things can be down at 20W, providing you have decent coils and good juice.

If you’re after an MTL tank or just looking for a change of pace, give the Aspire Nautilus 2 a whirl. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed!

Aspire Nautilus 2 SOLD OUT Everywhere!?  

One of the biggest issues you’ll come across is ACTUALLY finding this tank.

Most places have sold out, and it doesn’t look like they’re getting many more in stock.

Aspire Nautilus 2Pin

You can always go with Aspire Nautilus X, as this tank is practically the same – it uses the same coils and is MTL.

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