The Top 10 Instagram Vape Models You Should 100% Be Following

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You vape, you’re on Instagram, and you wanna know about the latest products and E Juices… Well, you should 100% be following these Instagram vape models because they ALWAYS have the latest vape gear (and they look great showing it off too!)

Top 10 Best Instagram Vape Models

Make sure you use the social buttons to share your favorite vape model!

1) Rune Wolves



2) priscillacrystalg

best instagram vape modelPin


3) buffalojuicegirl

Instagram Vape ModelPin


4) Queen of Vape

queen of vapePin


5) Hannah_Janee

best vape modelPin


6) kelly_jane_

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7) Shy Kane

Shy KanePin


8) Lapa Meli

instagram vape modelPin


9) Smoking_Mermaid

Top Instagram Vape ModelPin


10) Alicia Willet

Best Instagram Vape ModelsPin


How Instagram Marketing Works (And Why It’s Awesome For Vape Brands) 

Instagram is one of the most popular social networks on the planet. You can pretty much find every type of person on there, from fitness enthusiasts to foodies — all niches and nuances are catered for.

It’s also a great place if you’re into vaping because not only are there tons of amazing vape-related accounts on there, but you can also tap into some awesome deals and meet new people.

Instagram Stats 2019Pin

In the past couple of years, more and more vape brands are tapping into Instagram to grow and disseminate their product message.

And one of the most effective ways they do this is by sponsoring vape models — basically, girls who make vaping look a hell of a lot better than when normal, knuckle-draggers like us!

There are literally THOUSANDS of vape models out there.

A lot of them are sponsored by big brands and get paid for modelling gigs, as well as loads of free gear and this is awesome for them and, well, for us too because they’re constantly showing off new gear and new juices all the time.

You have to think of this as advertising, which it is, but unlike conventional advertising, this actually WORKS.

Instagram Influencers Get Paid For Their Photos

These vape models have HUGE followings and their pictures are viewed, liked and shared by millions of people every single day.

This is often the best way for new brands to raise awareness about their products and what they’re about.

Plus, it’s a hell of a lot more engaging than a pop-up!

The Top 10 Instagram Vape Models You Should 100% Be FollowingPin

This isn’t a new trend, though: TONS of people, male and female, have been using Instagram to generate healthy incomes for years.

It’s advertising, of course, but advertising done like this is a hell of a lot more engaging — when was the last time you clicked on an advert?

These Instagram Models earn a fair wedge as well, as noted by the Mirror:

“Posting a single Instagram picture makes more money than almost a whole week’s work, according to one business-savvy model. Gabrielle Epstein, 21, said she earns more from posting a selfie than she would working four days as a regular model. She has subtly promoted clothing, jewelry, drinks, and cosmetic products, landing herself a number of lucrative deals in the process. Gabrielle, from Australia, told the Gold Coast Bulletin: “I definitely (earn more money from Instagram), 100 percent. About a year and a half ago I was traveling to Brisbane a lot for work and by the time you take out the agency’s 20 percent, GST on commission and then tax, the model is left with little.”

The really popular vape models, like the 10 listed below, put products and brands in front of millions of eyes every day.

This type of viral advertising — or, if you prefer, marketing — is a huge deal in today’s marketplace, and it’s not just vape brands that are doing, either.

Everybody from Calvin Klein to Nike and Under Armor does it.

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We’ve helped millions of people get started with vaping. If you have any questions or just want plenty of actionable advice, hit the button below – it’s a direct line to Drake.

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