
10 Questions With @_dripkitty_ (AKA Vanessa Sanford)

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As part of our 10 Questions With… feature, we sat down with @_dripkitty_ – Instagram Legend and Marketing Director for White Label Juice Co

Today we’re chatting with one of Instagram’s best vape luminaries – @_dripkitty_ (AKA Vanessa Sanford) – who also happens to be Marketing Director for the excellent White Label Juice Co.

If you’re big on Instagram and like vaping, you’ve probably come across Vanessa before; she has a MASSIVE following, posts awesome content, and is repping one of the best E Juice companies in the biz.

Vanessa lives and breathes vaping, so we figured she’d be a great candidate for one of our 10 Questions With… features. If you missed the one with Queen of Vape, make sure you check that one out too.

Anyways… on with the questions!

Who Are You And What Do You Do?

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IRL my name is Vanessa, but most people know me as @_dripkitty_ on Instagram. I am the Marketing Director for White Label Juice Co., as well as an online influencer for vaping.

What Was Your First EVER Vape Product?

My FIRST EVER set up was a pink Sigelei ZMax Mini with an Aspire Nautilus and my tank was always filled with Lush – Belly Dancer or Juicylicious.

What Inspired You To Do What You Do? Can You Tell Us About The Journey?

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Vanessa’s Uses The Wismec Reuleaux RX200S – An Awesome Mod For Less Than $60!

Initially, I was a cigarette smoker. I had been smoking a pack a day for eleven years when my boyfriend at the time introduced me to vaping, as we were both trying everything under the sun to kick our tobacco habits.

Wanting an exit from bartending I sought out new employment in a local vape shop with my new found interest in everything e-cigs and applied for their management position.

During my humble beginnings in that little brick & mortar, I was able to quit smoking, learn the ins and outs of the vapor industry, and find the drive to help others do the same.

With this newly born passion for this industry, I joined another company and pursued a career with my White Label Juice Co. family, and am now happily running our Social Media and Marketing/Advertising Department.

What’s Your Current Setup And Why?

My current set up is the Wismec Reuleaux RX200S in cyan and black with the Smok V8-T6, complete with a matching turquoise drip tip I picked up from a shop in Las Vegas, NV called E-Vapor 8.

The three batteries design lasts me all day, the pass-thru micro USB charging ability lets me vape while it’s charging, variable wattage and voltage, plus awesome flavor and huge vapor production with this tank make this setup my everyday go-to.

I used to prefer dripping and fresh builds on RDAs atop single-battery tube mods, but gone are those days for me; now I’m all about efficiency and reliability and I love all the different coil options I have to choose from with this tank.

Your Desert Island E Juice Flavour (And Brand)?

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You Can Grab Vanessa’s Vape Mod RIGHT HERE

Without a doubt, I would be perfectly satisfied with White Label Juice Co.’s Strawberry Cheesecake for eternity. Truthfully I would be content vaping any flavor from WLJC on a desert island, on a yacht, at the top of Mt. Everest, at a bonfire crackin’ open a cold one with the boys…every flavor is the bee’s knees to me.

The max VG ratios and light flavor make each pick consistently #alldayvape material for me, but especially the Cheesecake flavors.

What Would You Be Doing If You Weren’t In Your Current Position?

I am literally living my dream and have been blessed with my dream job! It hardly feels like work at all when you’re in love with what you do!

Last Album You Listened To and Loved?

Kromagon – Ravings of a Madman

Where Is Innovation Heading In The Vape Space? What’s The Vape Market Going To Look Like In 2020?

The innovations I see heading up the Vape Space for 2020 is going to be sleek and simple designs: a market saturated with different delivery options, mod pod ENDS systems and interchangeable chargers and batteries.

Vaping is already such an outstanding nicotine cessation device that the progress we’ll be witnessing in our industry will be exciting and life-changing, to say the least!

The more harm reduction we can create along the way will only yield more positive testing results and hopefully more accurate media response/representation as well.

Tell Us Something No One Knows About You

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I was almost eaten alive by my pet Burmese Python “Monty” when I was just seven years old…I survived, but the snake did not.

What’s The Last Book You Read?

The Art of Racing in the Rain, a Novel by Garth Stein.

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And that’s it, thank you very much, Vanessa!

Make sure you check out White Label Juice Co (TONS of E Juice Lines) and follow Vanessa on Instagram.

If you’d like to be featured in 10 Questions With… drop us a line at hello at VapeBeat dot com.



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