
Avocado 24 RDTA Review: A TRUE Classic RDTA Tank

Avocado 24 RDTAPin
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This is VapeBeat’s review of GeekVape’s Avocado 24 RDTA — a tank that wants to replace your existing RTA setup… 

UPDATE: Early 2018 – It Still Kicks ASS!

OK. I know, the Avocado 24 RDTA is now pretty old. But I dug mine out yesterday, wicked it, and had a vape, and…

It is still brilliant. Even though it is positivity ancient in the world of vaping.

I have a few RDTAs, and I use them regularly, but it’s been almost a year since I rocked the Avocado 24 RDTA.

It forgot just what a solid RDTA this little badass tank is. I felt bad, so I figured I’d update my review in order to give this RDTA the props it deserves 🙂

Check out my original review below!

GeekVape has been up to something of a busy streak as of late, releasing both the Griffin 25 and Eagle 25 in quick succession. The company is now back, however, with ANOTHER tank. This time, though, it’s an RDTA called the Avocado 24 RDTA.

Now, we’re big fans of the Griffin and the Eagle here at VapeBeat, though the Griffin 25, while very impressive, was SUPREMELY difficult to wick correctly.

You have to be so precise with it or else all you get is dry hits and sub-par flavour. For this reason, the Griffin 25 RTA is definitely not for everybody.

The Eagle’s a different story, however — that thing is marvellous, pretty much across the board.

Prior to the Avocado 24 RDTA arriving, I had hoped it would have more in common with the Eagle than the Griffin because, speaking personally, I CANNOT stand tanks that are fiddly to wick.

Does the Avocado 24 RDTA impress? Is this tank worth your hard-earned dollars? Read on to find out how I got along with the Avocado 24 RDTA during my two-week testing period.

Avocado 24 RDTA Review: Packaging

The package resembles the Griffin and the Eagle RTA in that you have the Avocado 24 RDTA showcased on the front left side with the right side showcasing the Avocados build deck with some key points listed.

Avocado 24 RDTAPin

On to the back side we see some information about the Avocado 24 RDTA itself as well as the contents and a scratch and check seal of authenticity.

Below you will find the great specs and contents for the Avocado by GeekVape.

Avocado 24 RDTA Specs & Features:

  • 24mm Diameter
  • 5ml Tank Capacity
  • Quad 4mm Wicking Ports
  • Massive Wicking Capability for High Power Builds
  • Two Post Rebuildable Deck
  • Side Tension Applied
  • Two Terminals Per Post
  • 3m by 2mm Per Terminal
  • PEEK Insulator
  • Ceramic Single Coil Adapter
  • Extremely Heat Resistant
  • 3mm Diameter Airhole Bored Through
  • Synergizes with Exterior Airflow
  • Dual Adjustable Airflow
  • 7mm by 2mm Each Airslot
  • Single Airflow Option
  • Stealth Delrin Threaded 510 Adapter
  • Minimizes Heat Transfer
  • Stainless Steel Inner Sleeve for Durability
  • Sloped Drip Tip
  • Gold Plated 510 Connection
  • 34mm Length
  • Base Deck to 510 Base
  • Stainless Steel and Glass Construction

Avocado 24 RDTA Review: What You Get In The Box

  • One GeekVape Avocado 24mm Two Post RDTA
  • Two Glass Tank Sections
  • Clear Glass Tank Section Preinstalled
  • Frosted Glass Tank Section
  • Additional Ceramic Single Coil Adapter
  • Spare Parts Pack and Multi Tool
  • Additional 510 Drip Tip

Avocado 24 RDTA Review: Design

I must say, I really enjoy the look the Avocado 24; it feels nice and solid in the hand and the build materials are top notch. From the drip tip to the 510 threading, I found ZERO flaws in the Avocado 24 RDTA. The stainless steel (the one I have) looks awesome and, thanks to the way its packaged, arrived without any scratches, nicks or imperfections.

Avocado 24 RDTAPin

Avocado 24 RDTAPin

The build deck is a velocity-styled one, which is fast becoming the norm inside most RDAs nowadays. And this is definitely a good thing, as they’re great to work with, making installation simple, straight-forward and a relatively headache-free affair.

The Avocado 24 RDTA comes apart in an easy and intuitive manner. This makes taking it apart and cleaning it super simple; there’s no gremlins or learning curves here, you just twist and unscrew things. Simple.

Avocado 24 RDTAPin

Avocado 24 RDTAPin

Like the Griffin 25 RTA, the Avocado 24 RDTA supports either single or dual-coil builds. It also features GeekVape’s innovative chrome-deck block, which closes off the second portion of the coil if you’re only using single-coil builds.

Airflow is similar to the Griffin 25 RTA as well: massive, open and easy to adjust. Once you’re set-up, which doesn’t take very long at all, you can start hitting it, and when you do you will know that the Avocado 24 RDTA is a very potent tank.

Avocado 24 RDTA Review: Performance

After building my 2 coils, 24g 7 wrap over 2.5mm clocking in at .35ohms, I juiced the wicks and filled the Avocado 24 and started vaping at 45w and got a nice smooth vape.

I wanted to forgo my usual 5W increments but this style is new to me so I worked my way up to 125W in 5W increments with no problems.

The Avocado 24 delivered robust flavour and an abundance of clouds that were fluffy and thick. The Avocado 24 did get slightly warm, but it never gets uncomfortably warm like the LEMO 3.

I rewicked the Avocado 24 RDTA three times and even threw on a dual twisted build, 24g 6 wrap over 2.5mm clocking in at .29ohms, and the Avocado 24 RDTA seemed to like that build, so I’d recommend using dual-coil builds on this one.

Avocado 24 RDTAPin

After wicking the Avocado 24 RDTA a couple of times I understood how it worked and the best way to set it up. Like a lot of RDTAs, it has its own little nuances and each tank is different, so the best way to find the sweet spot is, simply, to experiment.

When running the Avocado in single mode I opted for my twisted build –24g 6 wrap over 2.5mm and that gave me .5ohms. As mentioned earlier, when using single-coil setups you have to plug the other side of the deck. Once you’ve done that and wicked it, though, you’re good to go.

When running in single coil mode I didn’t take the Avocado past 100W (my comfort level for .5ohm) and I didn’t notice any dryness at all. The single coil produced great flavour and great clouds, though I get the sneaking suspicion the Avocado 24 RDTA prefers being a dual-coil setup.

Avocado 24 RDTA Review: Conclusion and Final Thoughts

After multiple RTAs, the Avocado 24 RDTA was my first experience with an RTDA and I have to say it went very smoothly, despite some concerns on my part ahead of testing.

The Avocado 24 RDTA is simple to set up, far simpler than the Griffin 25 RTA, and it really does vape like a champ! If you’re looking for BIG flavour, BIG clouds and a great-looking tank for your mod that is versatile, easy to build and supports a wide array of coils, then you NEED to check out the Avocado 24 RDTA.

Here’s a breakdown of my overall rating for the Avocado 24 RDTA.


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