Deep Cuts E Juice FINALLY Comes To UK (And It’s In 100ML Bottles)

Deep Cuts E Juice FINALLY Comes To UK (And It's In 100ML Bottles)Pin
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You must have heard of Deep Cuts E Juice? Widely available in the US, Deep Cuts vape juice has now come to the UK, exclusively at Vaperizzo.

If you’re on Instagram and you follow anyone associated with vaping you will have seen something to do with Deep Cuts Juice – or, more specifically, its founder, VinylandVapor.

Deep Cuts is a one-man E Juice brand. It’s punk, it’s grassroots, and it is very, very popular thanks to the awesome flavors created by VinylandVapor, as well as getting major props from vapers like GrimmGreen.

Next to the quality of the juice itself, the thing that really sets Deep Cuts E Juice apart from the rest of the pack is how it’s marketed.

Everything is done via Instagram in a completely unique and refreshing manner.

VinylandVapor Unique Approach To Vape Promo

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There’s no naked chicks, no stupid stock-image shots of “happy adults enjoying vapes in a proper manner” – it’s just cool, hand-drawn images and graphics that are completely original and instantly recognizable.

The guy can seriously draw too; all the artwork he produces, usually based around his face, is done to promote the brand and raise awareness about advocacy, as you can see below…

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I think this is why I like what he’s doing so much; he’s helping to change attitudes towards vaping as well as creating a brand.

As I said: refreshing stuff.

Viral Marketing In The Prohibition 2.0 Age

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Because there is a war on vaping right now, marketing or releasing a product in the US is next to impossible using traditional forms of marketing.

Facebook. Google. Bing. Yahoo – no one lets you promote vape products. And this applies to payment gateways as well. MasterCard, PayPal… all the big boys are anti-vape.

We launched an E Juice Store last month but were essentially kicked off the web because we couldn’t get a merchant account with ANY payment gateways.

We do have a solution in place, so the VapeBeat Juice Store will be back shortly – but it has not been a fun process trying to solve this issue!

I think I sent maybe 100 emails to merchant gateways before we found someone that would “allow” us to sell vape juice!

All of these factors, as well as psychotic anti-vaping groups in the US, make it extremely hard to develop a brand in the vape niche.

You have to get creative, basically. And this is exactly what VinylandVapor has done.

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By creating engaging, provocative artwork the awareness of Deep Cuts has grown enormously over the past 18 months.

Thousands of Regrams later, Deep Cuts is now a well-known brand in the space – and all without the help of the hypocrites that run FB and Google.

Not bad, right?

Deep Cuts E Juice UK Release Date and Prices

Luckily, if you’re in the US, you can already get yourself Deep Cuts E Juice – check out the store here.

If you’re in the UK, you can pick up Deep Cuts E Juice via Vaperizzo right now for £19.99 per 100ML bottle.

Or, if you’re feeling fresh, you can grab both flavors for £36.99.

And if you aren’t following Eric (that’s the guy behind Deep Cuts by the way), make sure you do! You can find him on Instagram here…

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