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Is The Vandy Vape Kensei RTA The “Perfect” RTA Tank?

Vandy Vape Kensei RTA:Pin
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Vandy Vape is making a BIG name for itself right now. And many reckon the Vandy Vape Kensei RTA is the best in the business? Is this a legit claim?


Go back a couple of years and the RTA scene was a strange place.

There was plenty of choices, but the tanks themselves were extremely hard to tame. Leaks were common. Wicking was tricky. And the overall experience of living with them was kind like owning an old sports car (and not in a good way).

Most of the people I talk to complain about leaking.

The rest seem to find RTA tanks trickier to wick than their RDA and RDTA counterparts. Of late, though, this seems to be changing. You now have some very good options when it comes to easy to live with, non-leaking RTA tanks.

And the best of which are included inside our Guide To The Best RTAs Right Now… 

But What About The Vandy Vape Kensei RTA Though?

Is The Vandy Vape Kensei RTA The "Perfect" RTA Tank?Pin
The Beautiful Kensei RTA! Click Here For Latest Prices

Exactly. What about it? If you’re a serious vaper like me, you will certainly have heard about the Vandy Vape Kensei RTA. A lot of vapers swear by it. VapeBeat’s own Drew reckons it’s the best RTA on the planet right now. And he definitely has a point.

For me, though, there are a few key points that make the Vandy Vape Kensei RTA so special in the world of RTAs, as well as a few things you want to keep in mind before buying. And these points are detailed below.

First, The Good Points of Vandy Vape Kensei RTA Ownership

  • It looks brilliant, easily the best looking RTA tank around right now
  • The flavor is brilliant; super precise and intense
  • The price – it’s relatively accessible in this regard

The Vandy Vape Kensei RTA is top fill tank and there’s some handy knurling on the business end so as to ensure removing the top cap to refill is nice and easy.

The airflow is located at the bottom and provides plenty of customisation options. I tend to run it wide open and at high wattages. This seems to be what the Vandy Vape Kensei RTA likes to do best.

Overall, I adore the way the Vandy Vape Kensei RTA looks. It is heavy on the branding, but I don’t mind this. I think it is probably one of the coolest looking vape tanks around right now.

The deck is, truly, a thing of beauty. I love looking at it and working on it. The entire thing is plated in 24 karat gold and it looks very, very impressive indeed.

Vandy Vape Kensei RTAPin

Another cool thing about the deck? It’s composition. The two posts are forked at the ends, which means your terminals are at different heights and this means when you install coils, your leads never interfere with the already-installed coils.

It’s a small thing, but it makes setting up this tank all the easier. The wicking ports are off to the side, which is odd, I admit, but it seems to work very well. Vandy Vape calls this design a “unified port” as two wicks slot into one port. Bottomline: it works beautifully.

How To Set Up The Vandy Vape Kensei RTA

Vandy Vape Kensei RTAPin
The Kensei RTA in Gold – Get It With FREE SHIPPING ($40.95)

If you’re using the Vandy Vape Kensei RTA, and you’re struggling, or you’re thinking of getting one, you’ll want to keep the following points in mind when setting her up for the first time.

  • Ensure the coils are aligned perfectly over the airflow. You want to leave about 1-2mm gap between the coil and the holes.
  • Use enough cotton when wicking so that the cotton has resistance against the coils, but not so much that you cannot move it through. It should be tight and secure, but not too tight.
  • Cut and Fluff – make sure you keep the cut in-line with the outside edge of the deck. Fluff it up and place it downwards, so it’s sitting on the juice holes.
  • Saturate the coil and the wick in E-Liquid, assemble the tank, and vape.

As I said, the Vandy Vape Kensei RTA is a little tricky to get right, so don’t be annoyed if you mess it up the first time. Just make sure all of the above steps are followed to the letter. Accuracy and finesse are key when setting up this RTA; if something’s not right or out of place, it won’t work optimally.


You can pick up the Vandy Vape Kensei RTA with FREE SHIPPING via DirectVapor for $40.95

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