The TPD Vaping Law: Utter Nonsense Coming Your Way In May

Totally Wicked Fights Back Against The EU’s War on VapingPin

The TPD vaping law is just one of many bizarre and inane laws passed by everybody’s favourite autocratic institution, the EU

The TPD vaping law which is coming into affect very soon (May 2017) has been angering me a lot of late.

Not because they’re short-sighted, based on bunk studies and likely the end result of Big Pharma back-handers; no, it’s because it is going to make vaping so bloody annoying in the UK.

Annoying for retailers, customers, vapers and brands.

You’d think the EU would have better things to think about at the moment. Things like Greece, the fact the EU economy has stalled and is heading off into oblivion, or why certain, life-saving drugs cost so much.

But, no… the EU is more concerned with vaping – you know, that thing that millions of people used to stop SMOKING.

The TPD Vaping Law: Utter Nonsense Coming Your Way In MayPin

The TPD will introduce a raft of changes in the UK vaping scene. Things like tanks with only 2ml capacities, limiting the strength of E-Juice, and restricting bottle sizes to 10ml.

I can live with a lot of things. I can live with it and get on with my life, put it in my rearview mirror. But this utter bollocks about ONLY being able to sell E Juice in 10ml bottles is driving me insane.

WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE!? I mean, seriously: what the actual f**k is the logic behind this? Why 10ml? Why not 20ml or 30ml? Why not force vapers to buy it buy the gallon instead?

It makes zero sense. It’s like they asked a bunch of people to write down the first thing that came into their heads, popped them in a hat, and picked out a selection and used them as ACTUAL laws.

Oh! And while we’re on it – the TPD Vaping Law is terrible for the environment…

TPD Vaping LawPin

Why? Simple: more plastic bottles. Little, tiny plastic bottles that your pets can eat, that people will throw in the street, that end up stuck down the back of your sofa.

10ml bottles are annoying as hell. And there’s going to be A LOT more of those from May onwards.

I buy my E-Juice in bulk online (and I will continue to do so after the TPD comes into effect, screw those guys). But for people that buy in the UK it is going to be horrible – 600ml of E-Juice in 10ml bottles is not going to be a lot of fun.

I do agree that there should probably be some form of regulation and standards around vaping – particularly E-Juice. But what I do not agree with is all this micro-managing BS about bottle sizes and tank sizes.

This ISN’T what they should be concerned by. They should be concerned with the quality of ingredients used in E-Juice. Nothing more. Just that. That’s the ONLY thing they should concern themselves with. That’s what the TPD Vaping Law should be about.

But, no… they had to wade in, waving their red tape around, drawing lines and making erroneous rules about measurements which does nothing besides annoy the crap out of everybody.

It’s like reducing the size of a can of beer to a miniature in order to combat binge drinking – it’s just STUPID.

But then this law comes from the same people that brought you the following laws and legislation:

  • Cucumbers and bananas should not be bendy
  • It is ILLEGAL To Pet A Horse
  • Water does NOT prevent dehydration
  • Prunes will NOT fight your bowel problems
  • Turnips are NOT swede
  • Diabetics should be BANNED from the roads
  • Eggs CANNOT be sold by the dozen
  • Washing up gloves must be able to handle DETERGENTS
  • Super vacuum cleaners BANNED


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We’ve helped millions of people get started with vaping. If you have any questions or just want plenty of actionable advice, hit the button below – it’s a direct line to Drake.

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